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Each issue of the IMS Bulletin is available in PDF format, as well as selected articles that you can read on this website. From this page you can download each issue of Volume 47 (2018) as it is published. < Previous Volume (2017) | Next Volume (2019) > | Return

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Xiao-Li Meng is the IMS President for 2018–19. He writes: No vibrant society would want as its president someone who feels entitled to the honor, or treats it as an honorary title. I am therefore honored by your trust, and shall do my best to earn the honor. No society…

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The August issue of the IMS Bulletin is now available. Check out the articles at, or download the whole issue as a PDF: Contents include: • 2018 election results • Australian Academy of Science recognizes Noel Cressie, Kerrie Mengersen and Ruth Williams • Emmanuel Candès 2017…

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The March 2018 issue of the IMS Bulletin is online: see It features the following articles:   Bernard Silverman knighted Members’ news: David Banks, Adrian Smith IMS Statement on Professional Conduct at Meetings Awards for ISI Director Bandyopadhyay Medallion Lecture previews: Richard Samworth, Thomas Mikosch Recent papers: Electronic Journal…

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The October/November 2017 issue of the IMS Bulletin is online. You can read the whole issue as a PDF (download from or read articles online at Contents include: President’s Message: Alison Etheridge Members’ News: Donald Rubin, Paul Rosenbaum, Satish Iyengar, Karen Kafadar, Walter Rosenkrantz Nomination for…

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