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Each issue of the IMS Bulletin is available in PDF format, as well as selected articles that you can read on this website. From this page you can download each issue of Volume 46 (2017) as it is published. < Previous Volume (2016) | Next Volume (2018) > | Return

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The 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings in Baltimore, Maryland, which included the IMS Annual Meeting, took place from July 29 to August 3. There were over 6,000 participants from 52 countries, and more than 600 sessions. Among the IMS program highlights were the three Wald Lectures given by Emmanuel Candès, and…

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The September 2017 issue of the IMS Bulletin is now online at Contents include:   JSM round-up and photos Members’ News: ASA Fellows; ICM Plenary speakers; David Allison; Mike Cohen; David Cox COPSS Awards: 2017 winners, 2018 nominations Anirban’s Angle: The state of the world, in a few lines Obituary:…

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The June/July issue of the IMS Bulletin is online, with news about members, forthcoming lectures and meetings around the world. Check out the articles at, or download the whole issue as a PDF:   Contents include: 2017 Carver Award winner: Elyse Gustafson Members’ News: National Academy of Science…

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In last issue’s XL-Files, Xiao-Li Meng set a picture quiz. Nobody has yet correctly identified everyone in the pictures below. If you can, and you’re over 21, you’ll be invited to a “libation and inspiration” at JSM 2017 to celebrate the lives of the nine great statisticians who passed…

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