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Steve Fienberg: “Statistics is what I do!” Photo: Carnegie Mellon University   Stephen (Steve) E. Fienberg was the “superman of statistics” (L. Wasserman), “a hero of the statistics profession” (M. Straf), “the ultimate public statistician” (A. Carriquiry, E. Lander), and “the best kind of Bayesian” (E. George). His life and…

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David Steinsaltz, University of Oxford, UK, profiles Steve Evans, one of the five IMS Fellows elected in 2016 to the US National Academy of Sciences [profiles of the other four have appeared in previous issues]. In May 2016, Steven Neil Evans was elected to the US National Academy of Sciences,…

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Richard Davis delivered his IMS Presidential Address at the World Congress in Probability and Statistics, at the Fields Institute in Toronto on July 11, 2016. The video of this talk, which includes slides and three embedded videos can be accessed from or​~rdavis/PresidentAddress2016.ogv (the address starts at the 14:45…

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Tweedie New Researcher Award Richard Tweedie played a significant role throughout his professional career in mentoring young colleagues at work and through professional society activities. With funds donated by his friends and family, the IMS created the Tweedie New Researcher Award to finance the winner to present the Tweedie New…

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Peter Diggle gave this Medallion Lecture at the ENAR meeting in March 2016. Peter began his academic career in 1974 as Lecturer in Statistics at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Between 1984 and 1988 he was Senior Research Scientist, then Principal Research Scientist, then Chief Research Scientist in…

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