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The ASA Founders Award is bestowed upon ASA members with long-standing and distinguished service to the association and its membership. Four people received the Founders Award at JSM, including Nick Horton (For long-term active involvement in ASA chapters, sections, and committees; for serving on a wide variety of committees, including…

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Some information on the life of James Hannan, whose widow’s legacy has created the Hannan Graduate Student Travel Awards (see cover article). James F. Hannan, Fellow of the IMS and professor emeritus in the Department of Statistics and Probability at Michigan State University, died on January 26, 2010, at the…

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Past Award Recipients  Harry C. Carver Medal The Carver Medal was created by the IMS in honor of Harry C. Carver, Founding Editor of the Annals of Mathematical Statistics and one of the founders of the IMS.  The medal is for exceptional service specifically to the IMS and is open…

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The Institute of Mathematical Statistics has selected Elyse Gustafson as the recipient of this year’s Harry C. Carver Medal. The award is made for Elyse’s exceptional service and dedication as Executive Director of the IMS over the past 20 years. Throughout this time, which included relocation of the IMS office,…

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Robert E. (Rob) Kass is the Maurice Falk Professor of Statistics and Computational Neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon University. Rob received his PhD in Statistics from the University of Chicago in 1980. His early work formed the basis for his book Geometrical Foundations of Asymptotic Inference, co-authored with Paul Vos. His…

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