Roman Vershynin is Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Irvine. He works in high dimensional probability, with applications in data science. He is interested in random geometric structures that appear across mathematics and data science, in particular in random matrix theory, geometric functional analysis, convex and discrete geometry,…

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Huixia Judy Wang is a Professor in the Department of Statistics at George Washington University (2014– ) and a rotating Program Director in the Division of Mathematical Sciences at the National Science Foundation (2018–2022). Judy obtained a PhD in Statistics from the University of Illinois in 2006. She was an…

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Hans-Georg Müller is Professor of Statistics at the University of California, Davis. While in high school, he received the First Prize in the National Mathematics Competition of Germany (Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik) in 1974 and 1975, followed by a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Ulm in Germany and a MD…

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Heping Zhang is Susan Dwight Bliss Professor of Biostatistics, Professor of Child Study, and Professor of Statistics and Data Science at Yale University. He has published over 350 research articles and monographs in theory, methodology, and applications of statistics. He is particularly interested in biomedical research including epidemiology, genetics, child…

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Russell Lyons obtained his PhD in harmonic analysis at the University of Michigan in 1983. Within a few years, some coincidences led him to switch to probability, where he has been happily ever since. Lyons is James H. Rudy Professor of Mathematics and Adjunct Professor of Statistics at Indiana University.…

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