Preview of a Special IMS Lecture Ashwin Pananjady is a final year PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, advised by Martin Wainwright and Thomas Courtade. His research interests are broadly in statistics, optimization and information theory. Specific topics of

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Preview of a Special IMS Lecture Didong Li is a fifth-year graduate student in the Department of Mathematics at Duke University, supervised by David B. Dunson and Sayan Mukherjee. His research focuses on bridging between statistics and differential geometry to develop fundamentally new algorithms, statistical methods and theory. In particular,

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Charles Bordenave gave a Medallion Lecture at the INFORMS-APS 2019 meeting, which took place July 3–5, 2019, in Brisbane, Australia. He is pictured here with Ruth Williams. You can read the preview of his lecture here.…

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Trevor Hastie is the John A Overdeck Professor of Statistics at Stanford University. Prior to joining Stanford University in 1994, he worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories for nine years, where he helped develop the statistical modeling environment popular in the R computing system. He received a BSc (Hons) in statistics…

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Liza Levina is the Vijay Nair Collegiate Professor of Statistics at the University of Michigan, as well as affiliated faculty at the Michigan Institute for Data Science and the Center for the Study of Complex Systems. She received her PhD in Statistics from UC Berkeley in 2002, and has been…

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