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New IMS President Bin Yu has been wondering how IMS can help your career. I began my IMS presidency at JSM in Montreal in August. Data science, or big data, had been on my mind well before the meeting, during my flight to Montreal, and at the meeting itself. One…

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Contributing Editor Xiao-Li Meng writes: Life sometimes takes funny turns. Literally. The Ig Nobel Prize ceremony is an annual event organized by the Annals of Improbable Research (AIR), which is devoted to “research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK” ( Since I love laughing and thinking,…

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Tweedie New Researcher Award Richard L. Tweedie played a significant role throughout his professional career in mentoring young colleagues at work and through professional society activities. With funds donated by his friends and family, the IMS created the Tweedie New Researcher Award to finance the winner to present the Tweedie…

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Donald Lyman Burkholder died in his sleep on April 14, 2013, in Urbana, Illinois. He was born January 19, 1927, in Octavia, Nebraska, the fourth of five children of Elmer and Susan (Rothrock) Burkholder. His mother had been a schoolteacher, and his father was a farmer who served on the…

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Dozens of universities, research institutes, foundations, and scientific societies, including the IMS, have joined forces to celebrate 2013 as a special year for the Mathematics of Planet Earth (see Hans Künsch’s cover article). The Annals of Applied Statistics has been publishing cutting edge research in this area for five years,…

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