Statistical research spans an enormous range from direct subject-matter collaborations to pure mathematical theory. The Annals of Applied Statistics, the newest journal from the IMS, is aimed at papers in the applied half of this range. Published quarterly in both print and electronic form, our goal is to provide a timely and unified forum for all areas of applied statistics.


Shaping the Future: A Vision for the Annals of Applied Statistics in a Transformative Era


Lexin Li


Catherine Calder

Editor for social, political, and environmental sciences

Edward Kennedy

Editor for causal inference, design, and policy

Jessica Li

Editor for computational biology, bioinformatics, genetics, and genomics

Po-Ling Loh

Editor for machine learning and artificial intelligence

Tapabrata Maiti

Editor for neuroscience, physical science, and engineering

Peter Song

Editor for medical science, electronic health records, and smart health

*Click “Editorial Board” at left for the AOAS Editorial Panel

*Click “Submissions” at left for a complete description of how to submit papers for publication, and a statement of the kind of papers appropriate for AOAS.