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Each issue of the IMS Bulletin is available in PDF format, as well as selected articles that you can read on this website. From this page you can download each issue of Volume 37 (2008). < Previous Volume (2007) | Next Volume (2009) > | Return to Archive index Jump…

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The June/July issue of the IMS Bulletin is online, with news about members, forthcoming lectures and meetings around the world. Check out the articles at, or download the whole issue as a PDF:   Contents include: 2017 Carver Award winner: Elyse Gustafson Members’ News: National Academy of Science…

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Nominations are open for these three awards: the Sixteenth Annual Janet L. Norwood Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in the Statistical Sciences; the inaugural Ulf Grenander Prize in Stochastic Theory and Modeling; and the Bertrand Russell Prize from the American Mathematical Society. The Sixteenth Annual Janet L. Norwood

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We regret to report that Charles Stein passed away peacefully in his sleep on November 24, aged 96. He was a professor of statistics at Stanford University. He is widely known for shrinkage estimators, Stein’s lemma, adaptive estimation, and Stein’s method. Among many honors, he was a member of the…

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The Bernoulli Society’s Newbold Prize Committee invites nominations for the Ethel Newbold Prize. The Ethel Newbold Prize for excellence in statistics is awarded every two years, next time in spring 2017. The name of the prize recognizes a historically important role of women in statistics. The prize itself is for…

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