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IMS Members Electronic access to IMS journals is gratis for all IMS individual members, through Project Euclid. See below for account set-up instructions.  IMS journals include Annals of Applied Probability, Annals of Applied Statistics, Annals of Probability, Annals of Statistics, and Statistical Science. Access to all co-sponsored open access journals…

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Join the IMS as Student Member Did you say, “Free” ? The Institute of Mathematical Statistics, a unique international organization representing wide-ranging interests in statistical research, offers Free membership to students. Membership includes full membership benefits: an annual subscription to the newsy IMS Bulletin free electronic access to all IMS…

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Each issue of the IMS Bulletin is available in PDF format, as well as selected articles that you can read on this website. From this page you can download each issue of Volume 46 (2017) as it is published. < Previous Volume (2016) | Next Volume (2018) > | Return

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The September 2017 issue of the IMS Bulletin is now online at Contents include:   JSM round-up and photos Members’ News: ASA Fellows; ICM Plenary speakers; David Allison; Mike Cohen; David Cox COPSS Awards: 2017 winners, 2018 nominations Anirban’s Angle: The state of the world, in a few lines Obituary:…

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We are delighted to introduce the newest members of IMS Council. The next President-Elect is Xiao-Li Meng, and the six new members of Council are: Mathias Drton, Peter Hoff, Greg Lawler, Antonietta Mira, Axel Munk and Byeong Park. All of these will serve a three-year term starting in August, apart…

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