November 15, 2022
The IMS Treasurer’s annual report is published online on the Council Reports page at The report details membership and subscription data for 2021. The total number of IMS members increased, but the total number of paying members decreased. Subscriptions by institutions increased very slightly.  The financial status of…

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In the September 2022 issue, we introduced a new “Invitation to Research” section, kicked off by Alexander Y. Mitrophanov, Senior Statistician at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, National Institutes of Health, USA. Alex invited members to collaborate on Quantitative Perturbation Theory for Stochastic Processes. Alex says he’s…

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Contributing Editor Daniela Witten writes: I was in my second year of grad school when I first heard of “impostor syndrome”, the well-studied psychological phenomenon by which highly talented and accomplished people doubt their talent and accomplishments, and live in constant fear that the outside world will discover them as…

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Student members of IMS are invited to submit solutions to (with subject “Student Puzzle Corner”). Deadline: January 25, 2023. The names of student members who submit correct solutions to either or both of these puzzles, and the answer, will be published in the issue following the deadline. The Puzzle

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November 3, 2022
A new issue of Annals of Statistics has been published. You can get a summary in PDF-format at: If you or your library has subscribed to the journal, electronic access to the full journal articles is at: or

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