November 15, 2022
Next year there will be an impressive list of invited speakers at a range of IMS sponsored and co-sponsored meetings. Jian Ding will give a Medallion Lecture at the Seminar on Stochastic Processes (University of Arizona, March 8–11). Hongyu Zhao’s Medallion Lecture will be at the ENAR/IMS Spring Meeting (Nashville,…

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Trevor Hastie, John A. Overdeck Professor of Mathematical Sciences, professor of statistics, and professor of biomedical data science in the school of humanities and sciences at Stanford University, was recently named the 2022 Myles Hollander Distinguished Lecturer. He presented his lecture on “Cross-Validation in Model Selection and Assessment,” on…

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The laureates of the first Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics received their awards in a ceremony at the University of Leuven, Belgium, on October 12th: you can see the photos, videos and slides at Our columnist David J. Hand, Imperial College London, chaired the international selection committee, and…

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Donald (Don) F. Morrison passed away peacefully on July 11, 2022 at the age of 91. He was a professor in the Department of Statistics in the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania from 1963 until his retirement in 1999. Prior to Penn, Don worked in research positions at…

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Jessica Kohlschmidt reports: The inaugural International Day of Women in Statistics and Data Science was celebrated online on October the 11th with support from Caucus for Women in Statistics (CWS), Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE), and the American Statistical Association (ASA) and 35 other statistical and data science organizations around the…

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