December 13, 2022
Yaqi Duan is a postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working with Professor Martin J. Wainwright. Her research interests lie broadly in the intersection of statistics and machine learning, in particular data-driven sequential decision making and reinforcement learning. In fall 2023,…

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Bernoulli Society and IMS call for preliminary bids/expressions of interest from academics interested in running the Bernoulli–IMS World Congress at their institution in 2028. The deadline for submission is March 31st, 2023. The location of the 2028 meeting will be announced during the 11th Bernoulli–IMS World Congress in Probability…

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Xiao-Li Meng writes: Aging is a process that few look forward to, but like everything else in life, it is not without its silver linings. One of them is getting invitations to toast and roast your friends (or secret foes), at their expense. In the last month alone, I was…

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Here’s a reminder of the two puzzles posed by Anirban DasGupta in the December Bulletin. There’s still time to send in your solution, to one or both: the deadline is January 25, 2023.…

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The IMS would like to thank all those individuals who have contributed to the IMS: you can read the list of IMS funds, and those who have donated. Further contributions are welcome! Please see Thank you all!…

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