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Assemble your team! We are pleased to announce that Eurostat is organising the European Statistics Awards Programme, with competitions in the fields of nowcasting and web intelligence. By “nowcasting” we mean the forecasting of statistical indicators with extremely tight timeliness – typically before the reference period is over. Nowcasting methods…

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In May 2016, the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) and the Japan Statistics Society (JSS) jointly launched the Akaike Memorial Lecture Award program. The purpose of this award is to commemorate the achievements of the late Dr. Hirotugu Akaike, who established a novel paradigm to evaluate the predictive accuracy of…

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The Caucus for Women in Statistics (CWS) and the Portuguese Statistical Association (SPE) are proud to announce the launching of the International Day for Women in Statistics and Data Science (IDWSDS) with its first annual celebration event on October 11, 2022 (the second Tuesday of October in UTC time). We…

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Invitation to sciences and social sciences early-career researchers to take part in a study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their work lives and scholarly communication attitudes and behavior If you are an early career researcher in the sciences or social sciences, we want to hear from you…

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Winner of the 2021 COPSS Leadership Academy and author of Protecting Your Privacy in a Data-Driven World, Claire McKay Bowen, Principal Research Associate at the Urban Institute, talks with our contributing editor Ruobin Gong about data privacy, public policy research, and data science education. RG: Claire, thank…

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