Stephen B. Vardeman (Emeritus University Professor of Statistics and of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Iowa State University), together with J. Marcus Jobe (Farmer School of Business, Miami University) have made freely available their open-source, high quality engineering statistics text in PDF. The book Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis by Vardeman and Jobe, originally published by Duxbury / Thompson Learning / Cengage is now available for download under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license through the Iowa State University Digital Press. It can be found at and has been assigned the DOI

This book is essentially a revision/second edition of Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving by Vardeman that won the American Society for Engineering Education 1994 Meriam/Wiley Distinguished Author award, given biennially for an outstanding new engineering text. The book has answers for end-of-section exercises. All datasets in the book are on the web page in digital form. Chapter formula sheets are on the web page. The text’s solutions manual for the end-of-chapter exercises is currently being processed for posting and will appear in due course. There are plans underway to produce and post a supplement giving R code and output for the book’s examples.

Professors Vardeman and Jobe offer this book in the hope that it proves useful to many instructors and engineering students for years to come.