Nominations are open for three awards, to be presented next year at JSM in Philadelphia.

Please visit for details of eligibility and nomination requirements for all these awards. Please send nominations, preferably by email in PDF format, to the committee chairs. The deadline for nominations for all three awards is December 15, 2019.

Presidents’ Award

The Presidents’ Award is presented annually to a young member of one of the participating societies of COPSS in recognition of outstanding contributions to the statistics profession. It is typically granted to an individual who either (i) has not yet reached his or her 41st birthday during the calendar year of the award or (ii) will be under age 46 throughout the award calendar year and will have received a terminal statistically-related degree no more than 12 years prior to that year (see COPSS website for more details on eligibility criteria).

Nominations must be sent by December 15, 2019, preferably by email in PDF format, to:
Susan Halabi, Chair of the COPSS Presidents’ Award Committee
Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Duke University
Phone: 919-681-5430

R.A. Fisher Award and Lectureship

The Fisher Award and Lectureship, awarded annually, was established in 1963 by COPSS to honor the outstanding contributions of the late Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, and those of a current statistician, on aspects of statistics and probability that closely relate to the scientific collection and interpretation of data. The award exists to recognize the importance of statistical methods for scientific investigations. Nominations must be sent by December 15, 2019, preferably by email in PDF format, to:
Sharon-Lise Normand, Chair of the COPSS Fisher Lecture and Award Committee
Professor, Department of Health Care Policy & Department of Biostatistics
Harvard University
Phone: 617-432-3260

Elizabeth Scott Award and Lectureship

The Elizabeth L. Scott Award and Lectureship are presented biennially (even-numbered years) to an individual, male or female, who has helped foster opportunities in statistics for women. The 2020 award winner will deliver the first E.L. Scott Lecture at the JSM in Philadelphia. Nominations must be sent by December 15, 2019, preferably by email in PDF format, to:
Elizaveta Levina
Chair, COPSS Scott Lecture and Award Committee
Professor, Department of Statistics
University of Michigan
Phone: 734-764-3235