The Applied Public Health Statistics (formerly “Statistics”) Section of the American Public Health Association (APHA) invites nominations for the 2013 Mortimer Spiegelman Award to honor a statistician, 40 years of age or younger, who has made outstanding contributions to health statistics, especially public health statistics. The award was established in 1970 and is presented annually at the APHA meeting. The award serves three purposes: to honor the outstanding achievements of both the recipient and Spiegelman, to encourage further involvement in public health of the finest young statisticians and to increase awareness of APHA and the Applied Public Health Statistics Section in the academic statistical community. More details about the award, including the list of the past recipients and more information about the Applied Public Health Statistics Section of APHA, may be found at

To be eligible for the 2013 Spiegelman Award, a candidate must have been born in 1973 or later.

Please send electronic versions of nominating letter and the candidate’s CV to the 2013 Spiegelman Award Committee Chair, Nilanjan Chatterjee Please state in the nominating letter the candidate’s birthday. The nominator should include one to two paragraphs in the nominating letter that describe how the nominee’s contributions relate to public health concerns. A maximum of three supporting letters per nomination can be provided.

Nominations must be submitted by April 1, 2013.