American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

IMS no longer appoints representatives


2014-2017 Ensor Kathy (U), Claudia Neuhauser (A), Karen Kafadar (T)
2011-2014 David Banks (T), Rick Durrett (A), Jianqing Fan (U)
2008-2011 Jianqing Fan (U)
2004-2008 Philip Protter (A), Imola Fodor (T), John Rolph (U)
2001-2003 Shaffer, Juliet (U); others sections vacant
1999-2000 S. Haberman (A), F. Seillier-Moiseiwitsch (G), G. Sande (T), B. Bailar (U)
1996-1998 A. Rukhin (A), D. Berry (G), A. Gelfand (T), J. Utts (U)
1993-1995 P. Bickel (A), A. Kong (G), R. Thisted (T), J. Utts (U)
1990-1992 P. E. Ney (A), R. C. Bailey (G), K. M. Chaloner (T), M. E. Bock (U)
1987-1989 M. Puri (A), M. Kastenbaum (G), N. Flournoy (T), H. Levine (U)
1984-1986 E. Parzen (A), M. Kastenbaum (G), N. Flournoy (T), H. Levine (U)
1981-1983 S. Karlin (A, G), R. Welsch (T), E. Scott (U)
1978-1980 H. Kesten (A), D. G. Hoel (G), G. Yang (T), B. A. Bailar (U)
1975-1977 H. Levine (A), Byron Brown (G), G. Sande (T), A. Barron (U)
1974 H. Levine (A, U), Byron Brown (G), G. Sande (T)
1971-1973 H. Levine
1968-1970 B. J. Flehinger
1962-1967 A. W. Kimball

H. Hotelling

American Mathematical Society (AMS)

AMS-IMS-MAA Data Committee

No longer appointed
2007-2010 Jianguo Sun
2004-2007 Peter March
2002-2003 vacant
1999-2001 Yashaswini Mittal
1996-1998 Malay Ghosh
1993-1995 Don Rubin

Joint Committee on Women in Mathematical Sciences

2022-2025 Tai Melcher and Christina Kendziorski
2019-2022 Yan Yu and Shili Lin
2016-2019 Lea Popovic and Caroline Uhler
2014-2016 Amber Puha and Johanna Nešlehová
2011-2014 Amber Puha and Jane-Ling Wang
2008-2010 Priscilla E. Greenwood and Xihong Lin
2005-2008 Alicia Carriquiry
2002-2005 Vlada Limic and Alicia Carriquiry
2001-2002 Susan Holmes and Regina Liu
2001 Merlise Clyde and Regina Liu
2000 Elizabeth Stasny and Merlise Clyde
1999 Connie Page and Elizabeth Stasny
1998 Connie Page
1997 Mina Ossiander and Connie Page
1996 Susan Groshen, Mina Ossiander and, Connie Page
1994 Susan Groshen  and Mina Ossiander
1993 Lynne Billard and Susan Groshen
1992 Lynne Billard and Susan Groshen
1991 Nancy Flournoy
1990 Nancy Flournoy, Magda Peligrad

AMS-IMS-SIAM Committee on Joint Research Summer Conferences

Discontinued committee
2004-2005 Steve Lalley, Charles Kooperberg
2001-2002 Tom DiCccio (7/02-6/30/04), Mark Low (7/01-6/30/03), vacant
2001 J. Fill (1/99 – 6/30/02), M. Low (7/1/01 – 6/30/03), TBA (7/01 – 6/30/04)
2000 T. DiCiccio (1/98-6/01, Chair 7/00-7/01), L. Beckett (1/98 – 6/01), J. Fill (1/99 – 6/02)
1999 T. DiCiccio (1999), L. Beckett (2000), J. Fill (2001)
1998 D. Dey (1998), T. DiCiccio (1999), L. Beckett (2000)
1997 M. E. Bock (1997), D. Dey (1998), T. DiCiccio (1999)
1996 D. Simpson (1996), M. E. Bock (1997), D. Dey (1998)
1993-1995 David Ruppert
1991-1992 Bob Sering
1990 Manny Parzen

AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference Advisory Board

Discontinued committee
7/00 – 6/04 Prem Goel
7/00 – 6/02 Alan Karr

Evaluation Panel for NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships**

** first person listed sits on the Executive Committee of the panel
Discontinued committee
2009 Richard Sowers
2006 Mark Low, Jogesh G. Babu
2002 Yash Mittal (9/30/2002), Rinaldo Schinazi (12/31/2003)
2001 Prem Goel (9/30/2001), Yash Mittal (9/30/2002), Rinaldo Schinazi (9/30/2003)
2000 Steve Lalley (2000), Prem Goel (2001), Yash Mittal (2002)
1999 Mark Pinsky (1999), Steve Lalley (2000), Prem Goel (2001)
1998 Philip Protter (1998), Mark Pinsky (1999), Steve Lalley (2000)
1997 Alan Izenman (1997), Philip Protter (1998), Mark Pinsky (1999)
1996 Alan Izenman (1997), Sandy Zabell (1995), Grace Yang (1996), Philip Protter (1998)
1994 Allan Sampson (1995), Grace Yang (1996), Alan Izenman (1997)
1993 John Hartigan (1993), Allan Sampson (1995)
1992 Evarist Gine, John Hartigan (1993), Allan Sampson (1995)
1991 Richard Olshen, Evarist Gine, Steve Portnoy (1992)
1990 Richard Olshen, Bob Smythe, Tom Sellke

Russian Translations

Discontinued committee
1988-1993 M. I. Freidlin, A. Kagan, B. L. Rozovskii, A. L. Ruhkin

Committee on Selected Tables in Mathematical Statistics

Discontinued committee
Editors W. Q. Meeker (Chair, co-editor) Robert E. Odeh (co-editor)
1970-1975 H. Leon Harter
1970-1976 Donald B. Owen
1977-1982 William J. Kennedy
1982-1989 James M. Davenport
1989- W. Q. Meeker and Robert E. Odeh (co-editors)
1990-1993 Committee
W. Q. Meeker (Chair) Robert E. Odeh
N. Balakrishnan Y.-M. Chou
J. M. Davenport L. A. Escobar
J. E. Gentle K. Hinkelman
R. Mee W.R. Stephenson

American Statistical Association (ASA)

Current Index to Statistics (CIS) Management Committee

Discontinued Committee
2017 David Umbach, Haydar Demirhan
2016 David Umbach, Chris Bilder, Xinping Cui, Haydar Demirhan
2015 Joshua Tebbs, Chris Bilder, Xinping Cui, David Umbach
2014 Joshua Tebbs, Chris Bilder, Xinping Cui, Hadley Wickham, David Umbach
2013 Joshua Tebbs, Brett Presnell, David Umbach
2012 Shyamal Peddada, Chris Burdzy, Brett Presnell
2011 Hadley Wickham
2010 James Gentle, Chen Jie, Jim Pitman
2009 Eric Seuss
2007 James Pitman, John Wierman
2005 Duncon Murdoch
2000-2002 Alan Zaslavsky (Chair, 1/1/99-12/31/02), Ron Thisted (1/1/02), John Wierman (to 12/04)
1999 Alan Zaslavsky (Chair, 1/1/99-12/31/02), Mike Meyer (1/1/98-12/31/01), Ron Thisted (1/1/02)
1998 Paul Shaman (Chair, 1998), Alan Zaslavsky (1999), Mike Meyer (1998)
1997 Paul Shaman (Chair, 1998), Alan Zaslavsky (1999), Mike Meyer (1998)
1996 Paul Shaman (Chair, 1998), Alan Zaslavsky (1996)
1995 Prem Goel (Chair), IMS Representatives: George Styan (1993-95), Alan M. Zaslavsky (1994-96)
1994 Prem Goel (Chair), George Styan
1993 Prem Goel, George Styan, Ronald A. Thisted
1992 Bruce E. Trumbo (chair), Prem Goel, Ronald A. Thisted
1990 Bruce E. Trumbo (chair), Samuel Kotz, Ronald A. Thisted

Foundation for International Prize in Statistics

2018-2021 Richard Davis
2014-2017 David Madigan

Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (JCGS) Management Committee

2020-2022 Jingyi Jessica Li, Eun-Kyung Lee,
2017-2019 Roy Welsch, Richard Levine
2014-2016 Susan Holmes
2011-2014 Berwin Turlach
2011 William Eddy
2006 Di Cook
2004 Brani Vidakovic
2001-2002 Andres Buja (1/02-12/03), Mike Evans (1/00-12/02)
2000 Brian Junker (1/99-12/31/01), Mike Evans (1/00-12/31/02)
1999 Brian Junker (1/99-12/01), Mike Evans (1/00 – 12/02)
1998 Mike Evans (1999), Brian Junker (2001)
1997 Ram Gnanadesikan (1997), Mike Evans (1999)
1996 Stephen Fienberg (1996), Ram Gnanadesikan (1997)
1993 -1995 Stephen Fienberg (1996), Ram Gnanadesikan (1995)
1992 Richard A. Becker, Ram Gnanadesikan
1990 – 1991  Richard A. Becker, David W. Scott

Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (JCGS) Editor

2019-2021 Tyler McCormick
2016-2018 Dianne Cook
2012-2015 Thomas CM Lee
2009-2012 Richard Levine
2006-2009 David van Dyk
2003-2006 Luke Tierney

ASA Committee on Meetings (COM)

2017-2023 Edsel Pena
2012-2017 Aurore Delaigle
2009-2011 Marten Wegkamp
2006-2008 Cindy Christiansen
2001-2005 Alicia Carriquiry
2001 Susan Murphy
2000 Alan Izenman

Joint Meetings Advisory Committee

Discontinued Committee
2001-2005 Alicia Carriquiry
2001 Susan Murphy
2000 Iain Johnstone
1997 Ram Gnanadesikan

Spring Research Conference on Statistics

Discontinued committee
2010-2015 Peter Qian
2008-2009 Shane Reese, George Michailidis
2007 Randy Tobias
2006 William Notz
2005 Russ Lenth
2002 Max Morris (7/01-6/30/04, Chair from 7/01), Jerry Lawless (to 6/30/02), Todd Graves (to 6/30/03)
2001 Max Morris (7/01-6/30/04, Chair from 7/01), Jerry Lawless (to 6/30/02), Todd Graves (to 6/30/03)
2000 Ed Bedrick (to 6/30/01), Jerry Lawless (to 6/30/02), Todd Graves (to 6/30/03), Rob Easterling (to 6/30/01, Chair from 6/30/00 to 6/30/01)
1999 Alan Karr (1999), Ed Bedrick (2000), Jerry Lawless (2001)
1998 Vigay Nair (1997), Jeff Wu (1998), Alan Karr (1999)

Invited IMS Representative to ASA Board Meetings

1997 P. Shaman
1996 P. Shaman
1995 N. Singpurwalla

ASA/ACM/AMS/IMS/MAA/SIAM Science and Technology Policy Fellowship Selection Committee

2022 Jon Wellner

The World of Statistics

Chris Genovese


IMS Representative to Planning Committee

Laurent Saloff-Coste

Association for Computing Machinery

ACM-IMS Transactions in Data Science Editor Search Committee

David Dunson (chair)
Liza Levina
Marina Meila

Bernoulli Society (Bern)

IMS Committee on Liaison with Bernoulli Society

Discontinued Committee
2006 Thomas Kurtz, Andrew Nobel
2002 Felix Abramovich (to 12/31/02), ex-officio: Iain Johnstone (to 8/02); S. Raghu Varadhan (to 8/03) Susan Murphy (to 8/03)
2001 F. Abramovich (to 12/31/02), I. Johnstone (to 12/31/01); ex-officio: B. Silverman, S. Murphy
2000 E. Mammen (2000), B. Silverman (2001) ; ex-officio: J. Eaton, B. Lindsay
1999 J. Eaton (1999), E. Mammen (2000), ex officio: S. Fienberg, B. Lindsay
1998 R. Gill (1998), J. Eaton (1999), ex officio: P. Diaconis, B. Lindsay
1997 I. Johnstone (1997), R. Gill (1998), ex officio: N. Reid, J. Wellner
1996 W. van Zwet (1996), I. Johnstone (1997), ex officio: J. Berger, J. Wellner
1995 W. van Zwet (1996), I. Johnstone (1997), ex fficio: D. Brillinger, J. Wellner

Joint IMS/Bernoulli Society Publications Management Committee

2023 Jean Bertoin, Alison Etheridge, Claudio Landim, Thomas Mikosch
2022 Jean Bertoin, Claudio Landim, Thomas Mikosch, Johanna Nešlehová
2021 Jean Bertoin, Thomas Mikosch, Johanna Nešlehová, Judy Wang
2020 Antonietta Mira, Stilian Stoev, Thomas Mikosch, Jean Bertoin
2019 Johan Segers, Antonietta Mira, Stilian Stoev
2018 Johan Segers, Antonietta Mira, Stilian Stoev
2017 David Nualart, Lutz Dümbgen, Johan Segers
2016 David Nualart, Lutz Dümbgen, Johan Segers
2015 Richard Davis, Michael Cranston, David Nualart, Lutz Dümbgen
2014 Richard Davis, Michael Cranston, David Nualart, Lutz Dümbgen
2013 Maria Eulalia Vares, Susan Murphy, Micheal Soerensen, Steven Lalley
2010 Peter McCullagh, Olle Haegstrom
2009 Steven Lalley, Micheal Soerensen
2008 Makoto Maejima, Tom Salisbury
2007 Wilfrid Kendall, Jim Pitman
2006 Priscilla Greenwood, Rene Carmona

Joint IMS/Bernoulli Society Special Lectures Committee

2025 Geoffrey Grimmett, Takashi Kumagai, Patricia Goncalves, Alice Guionnet
2024 Cristina Toninelli, Takashi Kumagai, Patricia Goncalves, Geoffrey Grimmett
2023 Cristina Toninelli, Takashi Kumagai, Frederi Viens, Claudio Landim
2022 Cristina Toninelli, Arnoldo Frigessi, Frederi Viens, Claudio Landim,
2021 Arnoldo Frigessi, Frederi Viens, Claudio Landim, Cristina Toninelli
2020 Itai Benjamini, Nina Gantert
2019 Davar Khoshnevisan, Scott Sheffield, Itai Benjamini, Nina Gantert
2017-2018 Jean Bertoin, Gregory Lawler, Davar Khoshnevisan, Scott Sheffield
2015-2016 Haya Kaspi, Alison Etheridge, Jean Bertoin, Gregory Lawler
2012-2014 Steve Lalley, Chris Burdzy, Haya Kaspi, Alison Etheridge
2012 Chris Burdzy, Charles Newman, Raya Felman, Steve Lally

Committee on Journal of Biological Stochastics Ad Hoc

Discontinued Committee
Peter Jager (Chair) SusanHolmes Sue Wilson Simon Tavare Willem van Zwet

Joint Bernoulli Society – IMS Management Committee for the Lecture Notes & Monograph Series

Discontinued Committee
Friedrich Goetze (IMS, until 12/31/2005)
Robert Adler (BS, until 12/31/2004)
Mary Ellen Bock (IMS, until 12/31/2003)
Carl Morris (BS, Chair until 12/31/2002)

Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPPS)

COPSS Awards Committee

2020-2022 Anthony Davison
2019 Iain Johnstone

Selection Committee for the President’s Award

2022-2024 Michael Kosorok
2019-2021 Michael Stein
2016-2018 Peter McCullaugh
2013-2015 Wing Wong
2007-2012 T. Tony Cai
2004-2006 Nancy Reid
2001-2003 Jeff Wu
1998-2000 Donald Ylvisaker
1995-1997 Bernard Silverman
1993-1994 Krishna B. Athreya
1992-1993 A. P. Dempster

Selection Committee for the Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship (formerly the R. A. Fisher Award)

2021-2024 Tony Cai
2018-2020 Noel Cressie
2015-2017 Hans Kuensch
2012-2014 Terry Speed
2006-2011 Michael Newton
2000-2002 Jeff Wu
1997-1999 Robert E. Kass
1994-1996 Adrian Raftery
1992-1993 Herman Chernoff
1986-1991 Leo Goodman
1981-1985 Ingram Olkin

Selection Committee for the F.N. David Award

2019-2022 Marloes Maathius
2015-2018 Flora Bunea
2012-2014 Nancy Reid
2009-2011 Juliet Shaffer

Selection Committee for the George W. Snedecor Award

2019-2022 Kerrie Mengersen
2015-2018 Rebecca Doerge
2011-2014 Kathryn Roeder
2007-2010 Paul Holland
2003-2006 Marie Davidian
2000-2002 Susan Groshen
1997-1999 Kathryn Chaloner
1993-1996 Scott Zeger
1992 Bruce Turnbull

Selection Committee for the Elizabeth L. Scott Award

2020-2023 Dennis Pearl
2016-2019 Elizabeth Thompson
2011-2015 Nanny Wermuth
2007-2010 Jana Jureckova
2004-2006 Karen Kafadar
2001-2003 Ingram Olkin
1998-2000 Alicia Carriquiry (Chair, 2000)
1995-1997 Mary Thompson
1994 Jessica M. Utts
1993 Bruce Turnbull
1992 Jessica M. Utts

Other COPSS Activities – IMS Members of COPSS

2023 Krzysztof (Chris) Burdzy, Peter Bühlmann, Michael Kosorok
2022 Krzysztof (Chris) Burdzy, Peter Bühlmann, Regina Liu
2021 Susan Murphy,  Regina Liu, Krzysztof (Chris) Burdzy
2020 Susan Murphy, Xiao-Li Meng, Regina Liu
2019 Xiao-Li Meng, Alison Etheridge, Susan Murphy
2018 Alison Etheridge, Jon Wellner, Xiao-Li Meng
2017 Jon Wellner, Richard Davis, Alison Etheridge
2016 Richard Davis, Erwin Bolthausen, Jon Wellner
2015 Erwin Bolthausen, Bin Yu, Richard Davis
2014 Bin Yu, Hans Künsch, Erwin Bolthausen
2013 Hans Künsch, Ruth Williams, Bin Yu
2012 Hans Künsch, Ruth Williams, Peter Hall
2011 Ruth Williams, Peter Hall, J. Michael Steele
2010 Ruth Williams, Peter Hall
2009 Nanny Wermuth, Jianqing Fan, J. Michael Steele
2006 Thomas Kurtz, Jim Pitman, Louis Chen
2002 I. Johnstone, S. Raghu Varadhan
2001 B. Silverman, I. Johnstone
2000 M. Eaton, B. Silverman, I. Johnstone
1999 S. Fienberg, M. Eaton, B. Silverman
1998 P. Diaconis, S. Fienberg, M. Eaton
1997 N. Reid, P. Diaconis, S. Fienberg
1996 J. O. Berger, N. Reid, P. Diaconis
1995 D. R. Brillinger, J. O. Berger, N. Reid
1994 S. M. Stigler, D. R. Brillinger, J. O. Berger
1993 L. D. Brown, S. M. Stigler, D. R. Brillinger
1992 L. D. Brown, W. R. van Zwet, S. M. Stigler
1991 W. R. van Zwet, D. O. Siegmund, L. D. Brown
1990 D. O. Siegmund, S. S. Gupta, W. R van Zwet
1989 R. Gnanadesikan, S. S. Gupta, B. Efron
1988 B. Efron, R. Pyke, R. Gnanadesikan
1987 R. Pyke, P. Meier, B. Efron
1986 P. Meier, O. Kempthorne, R. Pyke
1985 O. Kempthorne, F. Samaniego
1984 I. Olkin, K. Doksum
1983 P. Billingsley, K. Doksum
1982 M. Kac, L. Breiman, K. Doksum
1981 P. J. Bickel, M. Fox
1980 G. E. P. Box, M. Fox
1979 S. Karlin, G. E. P. Box, M. Fox
1978 E. L. Scott, S. Karlin
1977 C. R. Rao, G. J. Resnikoff, E. L. Scott
1976 D. L. Burkholder, C. R. Rao, G. J. Resnikoff
1975 F. Mosteller, D. L. Burkholder, G. J. Resnikoff
1974 R. R. Bahadur, F. Mosteller, G. J. Resnikoff
1973 L. LeCam, R. R. Bahadur, L. Katz
1972 R. C. Bose, L. LeCam, L. Katz
1971 W. Kruskal, R. C. Bose, L. Katz
1970 J. Kiefer, W. Kruskal, L. Katz
1969 W. Hoeffding, L. Katz
1968 H. Chernoff, L. Katz
1967 T. Harris, H. Chernoff, G. E. Nicholson, Jr.
1966 H. Robbins, T. Harris, G. E. Nicholson, Jr.

COPSS Charter Review

2009 David O. Siegmund

COPSS New Awards Committee

2010 Jiayang Sun

COPSS Web Site

2002 Guy Nason

Selection Committee for the Visiting Lecturers in Statistics

1994 – 1997

 Michael Stephens

Task Force on Prizes (COPSS)

Stephen Stigler

Joint Directory Committee (COPSS)

Bruce Trumbo (Chair), James Albert

Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS)

2018-2024 Jessica Utts
2014-2016 Mei-Chang Wang
2013 Hans Künsch
2012 Ruth Williams
2011 Peter Hall
2010 Michael Steele
2009 Nanny Wermuth
2003-2005 Pitt Loren, Louis Chen
2000-2002 Carey Priebe (term ends 12/31/2002), Bernard Silverman (to 8/01) Iain Johnstone (to 8/02), S. Raghu Varadhan (to 8/03)
1997-1999 Ed Wegman

Joint ICIAM/IMS/IMU-Committee on Quantitative Assessment of Research

2009 Robert Adler

J​oint Committee for Women in the Mathematical Sciences

2023 Christina Kendziorski, Tai Melcher
2022 Christina Kendziorski, Tai Melcher
2016-2019 Lea Popovic, Caroline Uhler
2016 Johanna G. Nešlehová and Lea Popovic

International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)

2017 IMS President, Ben Hambly
2016 IMS President, Hans Kuensch

National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS)

ex-officio appointed
2023 Xuming He
2022 Xuming He
2021 Xuming He Jim Booth
2020 Jim Booth
2019 Xiao-Li Meng Jim Booth
2018 Alison Etheridge Jim Booth
2017 Jon Wellner Jim Booth
2016 Richard Davis Jan Hannig Jim Booth
2015 Erwin Bolthausen Jan Hannig Jim Booth
2014 Bin Yu Jan Hannig Jim Booth
2013 Hans Künsch Jan Hannig Jim Booth
2012 Ruth Williams Montse Fuentes Jim Booth
2011 Peter Hall Deborah Nolan
2010 Michael Steele Deborah Nolan
2009 Nanny Wermuth Deborah Nolan Montse Fuentes
2002 Iain Johnstone (8/02) S. Raghu Varadhan (8/03) Alicia Carriquiry (12/31/2004) Willem van Zwet (12/31/2002) Peter Bickel (12/31/2003)
2001 B. Silverman A. Carriquiry (12/31/2004) W. van Zwet (12/31/2002) P. Bickel (12/31/2003)
2000 M. Eaton P. Bickel (2000) D. Dawson (2000) P. Bickel (2003)
1999 S. Fienberg P. Bickel (1999) D. Dawson (2000) P. Bickel (2003)
1998 P. Diaconis P. Bickel (1998) L. Brown (1998) M. Stein (1998)
1997 N. Reid P. Bickel (1997) L. Brown (1997)  M. Stein (1998)
1996 James O. Berger P. Bickel (1997) P. McCullagh (1996) L. Brown (1997)
1995 David R. Brillinger John Rolph (1995) Peter Bickel (1995) Peter McCullagh (1996)
1994 Stephen M. Stigler John Rolph (1993) Jon Kettenring (1994) Peter Bickel (1993)
1993 Lawrence D. Brown John Rolph (1993) Jon Kettenring (1994) Peter Bickel (1993)
1992 Willem van Zwet Michael Woodroofe (1992) Peter Bickel (1993) Larry Shepp (1992)
1991 David Siegmund Michael Woodroofe (1991) Peter Bickel (1993) Larry Shepp (1992)

The National Research Center for Statistics and the Environment (NCES) Advisory Board

2000-2002 Mark Schervish
1997-1999 Paul Switzer