47 results found
The IMS offers several opportunities for contributions to the society’s programs. Please take a moment to consider making a donation to one or more of these funds. Blackwell Lecture Fund The Blackwell Lecture Fund will be used to support a lecture in honor of David Blackwell. The purpose of this…

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Planning a 21st Century Global Library for Mathematics Research Jim Pitman and Clifford Lynch were members of the Committee on Planning a Global Library of the Mathematical Sciences, which wrote the report discussed here. Other members were Ingrid Daubechies, Kathleen Carley, Timothy Cole, Judith Klavans, Yann LeCun, Michael Lesk, Peter…

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Victoria Stodden writes: The reproducibility of published findings is becoming a hot topic. From reports in the popular press to congressional activity, and from scholarly society engagement to academic publications and editorials, there has been an upsurge in attention to this issue. I will offer some explanations of the concept…

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IMS Bulletin Editor Dimitris Politis writes: Refereeing is part of the job description for most of us. Good papers get even better after receiving expert feedback, and mediocre papers are returned to the drawing board. Referees donate their time as part of the review process, and in return have the…

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Jim Pitman writes about the increasing importance of author identity in the online universe, to allow authors due credit for their work, to assist researchers in navigating the vast universe of bibliographic data, and to facilitate collaborations between authors with similar or complementary interests. But what can YOU do?

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