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A new issue of THE ANNALS of STATISTICS has been published. You get a summary in pdf-format at: If you or your library has subscribed to the journal, electronic access to the full journal articles is at: or For more information on journals published or supported by…

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Every paper will be assigned to an Associate Editor (AE), who will handle the paper throughout the review process. Evaluation Your first task is to carry out an initial evaluation of the paper to judge its basic suitability for the Annals of Statistics. When you receive a new submission, please…

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Thank you for agreeing to serve as a referee for the Annals of Statistics. The job of a referee Please carefully and promptly provide advice to the Associate Editor as to whether or not the paper should be published. The key criteria against which you should judge the paper are:…

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Each submitted paper is assigned to an Associate Editor who will handle the paper throughout the editorial decision process according to the Guidelines for Associate Editors. The Associate Editor quickly screens papers to identify those that are clearly not suitable for the Annals of Statistics, so that authors can…

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