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The Carver Medal Committee of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics has selected Jean Opsomer to receive the 2019 Harry C. Carver Medal. The award is made in recognition of his outstanding contributions to IMS, especially through his steady service and guidance as two-term Treasurer of the IMS that put IMS…

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Yoav Benjamini is the Nathan and Lily Silver Professor of Applied Statistics at the Department of statistics and Operations Research at Tel Aviv University. He holds BSc. In Physics and BSc and MSc. In mathematics from the Hebrew University (1976), and PhD in Statistics from Princeton University (1981). He is…

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Xiao-Li Meng writes, in his third President’s Column: “Where should I put my name in the author list when I write a paper with my students?” is one recurring question I have been asked by junior colleagues since I earned the privilege to enjoy my senior moments. To people outside…

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Frank Rudolf Hampel, professor emeritus at ETH Zurich, passed away in Thalwil near Zurich, Switzerland, on October 2, at the age of 77. Frank Hampel was well known for his fundamental contributions to robust statistics, in particular for the introduction of the basic concepts of influence function and breakdown point.…

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The September 2018 issue of the IMS Bulletin is online: download your PDF copy from Contents include: President Xiao-Li Meng’s Message (IMS: Younger, Broader, and Deeper) Members’ news: ASA Fellows; Don Rubin, Edo Airoldi; Mike West; Richard De Veaux, Mark Glickman, Alyson Wilson, Ofer Harel Nominate IMS lecturers…

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