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Each issue of the IMS Bulletin is available in PDF format, as well as selected articles that you can read on this website. From this page you can download each issue of Volume 38 (2009). < Previous Volume (2008) | Next Volume (2010) > | Return to Archive index Jump…

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Each issue of the IMS Bulletin is available in PDF format, as well as selected articles that you can read on this website. From this page you can download each issue of Volume 39 (2010). < Previous Volume (2009) | Next Volume (2011) > | Return to Archive index Issue

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Each issue of the IMS Bulletin is available in PDF format, as well as selected articles that you can read on this website. From this page you can download each issue of Volume 40 (2011). < Previous Volume (2010) | Next Volume (2012) > | Return to Archive index Issue

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The Annals of Applied Statistics releasing key article in authenticating tomb. In 1980 a burial tomb was unearthed in Jerusalem containing ossuaries (limestone coffins) bearing inscriptions indicating that it may be Jesus’ crypt. Last year, the Discovery Channel aired a documentary entitled “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” describing…

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Three IMS Fellows have been recently elected to academies. Stephen Fienberg (Carnegie Mellon University) has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Richard Durrett (Cornell University) and Sir John Kingman (past director of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge) have been elected to…

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