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Make a donation to this award fund Purpose To fund travel and registration to attend and possibly present a paper or a poster at an IMS-sponsored or co-sponsored meeting. Presentation of a paper/poster is encouraged, but not required. Eligibility Applicants must be members of IMS, joining at the time of…

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The January/February 2018 issue is now online: Contents include: US National Academy of Medicine elects Nicholas Jewell Nicholas Horton, Eric Kolaczyk, Hongzhe Li, Runze Li and Douglas Simpson among AAAS Fellows Greg Lawler and Michael Jordan to deliver ICM 2018 Plenary Lectures Mir Masoom Ali leads celebration of World…

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The December 2017 issue of the IMS Bulletin is published online. You can download the whole issue from Contents include: Travel Awards Members’ News: ASA awards for IMS members More members’ news: Joanne Wendelberger Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute update Auditors’ letter and Financial statements (FY2016) Stochastic Systems now an…

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Some information on the life of James Hannan, whose widow’s legacy has created the Hannan Graduate Student Travel Awards (see cover article). James F. Hannan, Fellow of the IMS and professor emeritus in the Department of Statistics and Probability at Michigan State University, died on January 26, 2010, at the…

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Walter A. Rosenkrantz, who passed away September 19, 2017, was Emeritus Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He had spent over 30 years at UMass. His Bachelor’s degree was from University of Chicago in 1957, and his MS (1959) and PhD (1963)…

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