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Adel Javanmard is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Data Sciences and Operations, at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business. Prior to joining USC in 2015, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Science of Information, working at UC Berkeley and Stanford University.

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Yuqi Gu is a fifth-year PhD student in the Department of Statistics at the University of Michigan, advised by Gongjun Xu. Her research interests include statistical machine learning, latent variable models, and psychometrics. Yuqi is passionate about developing theoretically principled and computationally efficient methods to solve problems of scientific interests.

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Ruobin Gong is Assistant Professor of Statistics at Rutgers University. Her research interests lie at the theoretical foundations of Bayesian and generalized Bayesian methodologies, statistical modeling, inference, and computation with differentially private data, and ethical implications of aspects of modern data science. Ruobin received her PhD in statistics from Harvard…

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Radu V. Craiu, our newest Contributing Editor, is Professor and Chair of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto. He studied Mathematics at the University of Bucharest (BS 1995, MS 1996), and received a PhD from the Department of Statistics at The University of Chicago in 2001. His main research…

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Preview of a Special IMS Lecture Didong Li is a fifth-year graduate student in the Department of Mathematics at Duke University, supervised by David B. Dunson and Sayan Mukherjee. His research focuses on bridging between statistics and differential geometry to develop fundamentally new algorithms, statistical methods and theory. In particular,

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