148 results found
Make a donation to this award fund   Lawrence D. Brown (1940-2018), Miers Busch Professor and Professor of Statistics at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, had a distinguished academic career with groundbreaking contributions to a range of fields in theoretical and applied statistics. Moreover, he was an enthusiastic and…

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We introduce the Le Cam lecturer, Ruth Williams, and the Neyman lecturer, Peter Bühlmann, along with the rest of this year’s Medallion Lecturers: Anthony Davison, Anna De Masi, Svante Janson and Sonia Petrone. Anthony’s lecture will be at JSM in Vancouver (July 28–August 2), Anna’s at the Stochastic Processes and…

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We introduce the first two in a series of IMS special lecture previews for 2018. Richard Samworth and Thomas Mikosch are two of this year’s Medallion Lecturers. Both of them will be giving their Lecture at the IMS Annual Meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, July 2–6, 2018. The program will be…

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Special Lectures at IMS Sponsored/Co-sponsored Meetings See the section on Committee on Special Lectures for details on IMS Named and Medallion Lectures. In addition to those lectures, the following lectures will take place at meetings as indicated. Doob and Schramm Lectures The Schramm Lecture is an annual, joint IMS-Bernoulli Society…

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The central purpose of Statistical Science is to convey the richness, breadth and unity of the field by presenting the full range of contemporary statistical thought at a moderate technical level, accessible to the wide community of practitioners, researchers and students of statistics and probability. It complements the main scientific…

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