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Xiao-Li Meng got it. COVID, that is. But the silver lining is that he now makes a welcome return to writing the “XL-Files”: What happens when a statistician becomes a COVID statistic? Well, first of all, a COVID fever reignited my XL fervor. No, the missing “XL-Files” have not been…

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The XL-Files Xiao-Li Meng writes: On November 6, 2020, I woke up to a flood (for a statistician) of tweets about my 2018 article, “Statistical Paradises and Paradoxes in Big Data (I): Law of Large Populations, Big Data Paradox, and the 2016 US Presidential Election”. A kind soul had…

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Xiao-Li Meng writes: The arrival of COVID-19 has ignited global anxiety about how we deal with uncertainty and risk. Uncertainty blurs our collective vision, and risk takes our breath away—alas, sometimes literally. Since we statisticians and probabilists have always been proud of being at the forefront of studying uncertainty and…

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Contributing Editor Xiao-Li Meng writes: As might have been anticipated (jinxed?) by my thesis title, “Towards complete results for some incomplete problems,” self-pity for being incomplete has never left me. This is as true now as it was back when I accidentally reduced my almost complete thesis to merely its…

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Xiao-Li Meng writes: BFF again? Yes, and this time it is for Best Friends Forever, not another Bayesian, Fiducial and Frequentist workshop – for that you need to wait until BFF6. [For BFF# history, see] But what on Earth is BGF? Best Goal Forever (FIFA time)? Best…

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