February 15, 2023
The International Biometric Society (IBS) and Caucus for Women in Statistics (CWS) instituted the Florence Nightingale Award, which was first awarded in 2020 during the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. The award will be presented during every International Biometric Conference (IBC) year—these are every two years, next in Buenos…

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ICSDS 2022 “a huge success”; ICSDS 2023 will be in Lisbon, Portugal: Join Us! Regina Liu and Annie Qu were the Co-organizers for the 2022 International Conference on Statistics and Data Science meeting. They write: We are delighted to report that the inaugural ICSDS (International Conference on Statistics and Data…

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At the IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS), which took place December 13–16, 2022, in Florence (Firenze), Italy, the banquet reception featured this speech by IMS President Peter Bühlmann. Benvenuti al congresso internazionale statistiche e scienza dei dati! This is the first congress of this type organized…

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Radu Craiu resolves to not stay silent when praise could be given: Many people feel tempted at the beginning of a New Year to express their ideas and intentions in resolute terms. I opt to plead in favour of gratitude and praise. The fog of insecurity blurs the contours of…

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Jerome S. Sacks, 91, passed away peacefully on January 2, 2023. He was born on May 8, 1931 in the Bronx, was a graduate of the Bronx High School of Science and received his BA (1952) and PhD (1956) in mathematics from Cornell University, with Jack Kiefer as his advisor.…

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