July 16, 2023
The 2023 election results are in! We are pleased to announce that the incoming IMS President-elect is Tony Cai. The new Executive Committee, for August 2023 to August 2024, will be comprised of: Michael Kosorok (President); Peter Bühlmann (Past President); Tony Cai (President-Elect); Annie Qu (Program Secretary); Jiashun Jin (Treasurer);…

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IMS Fellow Aad van der Vaart has been elected a member of the Academia Europaea (Academy of Europe). Aad van der Vaart is a professor in the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics (DIAM) at TU Delft in The Netherlands; he previously held positions at Leiden University; the University of California,…

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The First Georges’ Reception by George Mason University (GMU), George Washington University (GWU), and Georgetown University (GU) at the JSM will be on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, from 6–8pm, at the Intercontinental Toronto Centre, Ballroom A. IMS member Inchi Hu says, “Alumni, friends, and members are welcome.”…

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Jessica Kohlschmidt is the Executive Director of the Caucus for Women in Statistics. She writes with an update on recent and forthcoming CWS activities: The Caucus for Women in Statistics and Data Science, CWS ( is pleased to share the following information. We have selected our third annual…

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Ruobin Gong writes: ChatGPT is a chatbot that derives its power from large language models trained on massive amounts of data. For the most part, it appears to be incredibly smart and knowledgeable. Botox, or botulinum toxin A, is a neurotoxic protein that can relax facial muscles. It is a…

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