September 18, 2023
A new issue of Annals of Probability has been published. You can get a summary in PDF-format at: If you or your library has subscribed to the journal, electronic access to the full journal articles is at: or

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September 12, 2023
A new issue of Annals of Applied Statistics has been published. You can get a summary in PDF-format at: If you or your library has subscribed to the journal, electronic access to the full journal articles is at: or

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September 4, 2023
A new issue of Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré has been published. You can get a summary in PDF-format at: If you or your library has subscribed to the journal, electronic access to the full journal articles is at: or

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August 31, 2023
Planning is well underway for the 11th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, organized by the Bernoulli Society (BS) and IMS, August 12–16, 2024, on the campus of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) in Germany. The scientific program will have 16 plenary talks, more than 40 invited paper sessions, and a…

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Professor C.R. Rao, Penn State Eberly Professor Emeritus of Statistics and statistics legend, passed away in Buffalo, New York, on August 22, 2023. His family members Teja, Vincent, Vera and Malini were with him. He was 19 days away from his 103rd birthday. Among a very large number of…

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