September 30, 2023
A cautionary tale from our contributing editor, Daniela Witten: During my first few years as faculty, I traveled far and wide to give invited talks at department seminars and conferences. At the beginning, the travel was fun, and helpful for my career as I built out my professional network. But…

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C. R. Rao, a giant in statistical theory who blazed the field over an 80-year research career died on August 22, 2023, two weeks short of his 103rd birthday. Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao was born in Karnataka, India, on September 10, 1920. Rao was known to be a very good student…

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September 29, 2023
In the September 2022 Bulletin issue, we introduced a new “Invitation to Research” section, kicked off by Alexander Y. Mitrophanov, Senior Statistician at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, National Institutes of Health, USA. Alex invited members to collaborate on Quantitative Perturbation Theory for Stochastic Processes, which since created…

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Linbo Wang and Dehan Kong report: The 23rd Meeting of New Researchers in Statistics and Probability (NRC) convened at the University of Toronto Scarborough from August 2–5, 2023: see The conference was attended by 69 emerging researchers and 13 senior speakers and panelists, hailing from the United States,…

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September 18, 2023
Statistical Science is launching a new venture called “Short Communications.” Short communications will have an upper bound of 10 pages with references and could comprise philosophical musings on current research areas; alternative proofs and interpretations of important existing statistical results; suggestions for new methodology; short new proofs of new results…

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