November 15, 2023
Meet the people behind the emails and communications you might receive as an IMS member. You might even catch us in person at an IMS meeting! Elyse Gustafson, Executive Director Elyse says, “I have been honored to serve as the IMS Executive Director since 1997. Because the IMS is a…

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Emily Palmer, Harvard Department of Statistics Administrative Coordinator writes: On May 5, 2023, Professor Joe Blitzstein from the Harvard University Department of Statistics launched the centennial celebration of emeritus faculty Herman Chernoff, and his research and teaching legacy. The day featured a full program, including a tribute video from former…

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The IMS Treasurer’s annual report is published on the Council Reports page at The report details membership and subscription data for 2022. The total number of IMS members increased, but the total number of paying members decreased, in particular reduced dues payers and new graduates. We think this…

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Survey Methodology is a peer-reviewed statistical journal published twice a year by Statistics Canada. The journal established in 2001 an annual invited paper series in honor of the late Joseph Waksberg to recognize his outstanding contributions to survey statistics and methodology. Each year a prominent survey statistician is chosen by…

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The IMS would like to thank the following individuals for contributing to the IMS. Further contributions are welcome! Please see for information about the various funds and what they are used for. You can see the latest list of donors in the December 2023 IMS Bulletin, or at

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