December 18, 2023
A new issue of Annals of Statistics has been published. You can get a summary in PDF-format at: If you or your library has subscribed to the journal, electronic access to the full journal articles is at: or

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December 15, 2023
The ACM–IMS Journal of Data Science (JDS) is a joint journal of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IMS, publishing high-impact research from all areas of data science, across foundations, applications and systems. The scope of the journal is multi-disciplinary and broad, spanning statistics, machine learning, computer systems,…

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The 2024 Ulf Grenander Prize in Stochastic Theory and Modeling is awarded to IMS Fellow Tilmann Gneiting for “seminal work in environmental and stochastic modeling, with applications to computational weather forecasting, and for research in probability theory and mathematical statistics.” Gneiting is most widely known for foundational work on probabilistic…

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The department of statistics, operations, and data science at Temple University hosted the Conference on Advances in Multiple Testing, which took place June 1, 2023, in honor of Sanat K. Sarkar for his 70th birthday and 40 years of service at Temple University. Sarkar has made fundamental contributions to…

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David Allison, IMS Fellow and dean of the Indiana University School of Public Health in Bloomington, was named a 2023 fellow of the Sigma Xi honor society. Since 2020, the scientific research honor society has selected peer-nominated scientists in recognition of their “exceptional contributions to the scientific enterprise.” Founded…

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