The Workshop  in  Biostatistics and Bionformatics  is to be held  in  the Georgia State University,  Atlanta on May 4-6, 2012.  Biostatistics and Bioinformatics play a key role in statistics and other scientific research fields with an aggressive development in recent years. The workshop will provide an opportunity for faculty and graduate  students of GSU to talk with the speakers about new challenging problems, and it will lead to fruitful research collaborations between GSU and other universities. The conference  invites top researchers in the fields.  The keynote speaker  is Ian McKeague  (Columbia University).   There will be invited  talks by distinguished researchers, and a poster session by young researchers and graduate students. 

Registration is now open, with the deadline  on  April 30  2012.  For further information,  please contact  the organizer  Yichuan Zhao.