With the increasing importance of next generation of data, we strive to help students and young researchers develop analytical thinking, statistical reasoning, communication skills, and creativity through this Third Data Science Workshop. The workshop will be in the form of specific research overviews and lectures provided by leading experts who have done prominent work in the selected research topic areas. At the end of each of the two days, a panel discussion will be held, led by an expert panelist and all speakers of the day, for assimilating the various topics presented on the day and for addressing questions and comments from the audience. The Workshop participants will learn state-of-the-art forefront data science research methods used in academia, industry, and government sector, facilitating them to be a more successful future workforce in STEM fields. The workshop aims to educate and empower undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career researchers and faculty members with emerging statistical methods to address the complex data arising from various fields, in particular, from biosciences and cyber science. The topics of the workshop include deep learning, statistical machine learning, differential privacy, Bayesian data integration and cybersecurity data modeling, among others. The workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation. IMS Representative(s) on Program Committees: Jie Chen
March 16, 2023 - March 17, 2023
Augusta, Georgia, USA
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