Submission of Papers

Submission of a manuscript implies (a) that the same work has not been published before; (b) that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; and (c) that its publication has been approved by all co-authors.

All submissions to Statistical Science must be made electronically through the IMS’s Electronic Journal Management System (EJMS). Your manuscript should be prepared according to the instructions given here.

Authors should then access the EJMS at If you are a first time user you must complete the registration, but you only need register once. As a registered user, you will have the ability to upload your manuscript as a PDF file.

If desired, you may use the “Comments to the editor” box to suggest referees who are experts in fields relevant for the submitted paper with the understanding that the editors, along with the associate editors, may or may not choose to utilize the suggestions. Please do not canvass or directly contact the suggested referees about your paper.


Manuscripts must be written in LaTeX using STS’s template. Template will set proper margins and font,sample.pdf and sample.tex files will assist in the preparation of a camera-ready paper in LaTeX. These documents contain useful information regarding the structure of your document, proper tagging style, layout features, etc. Please do not use any packages or commands that affect the layout or formatting of your document.

Affiliations and Addresses

Please list one affiliation per author. If an author has more than one affiliation, the others should be listed in the Acknowledgments section.

Supplemental Material

If your paper has supplemental material please follow the instructions here.