Item Response Theory — A Statistical Framework for Educational and Psychological Measurement |
Yunxiao Chen, Xiaoou Li, Jingchen Liu, and Zhiliang Ying
A Conversation with A. Philip Dawid |
Vladimir Vovk and Glenn Shafer
Martingale Posterior Distributions for Time Series Models |
Blake Moya and Stephen Graham Walker
Comment: Item Response Theory — Some Minutiae |
David Thissen
Demystifying Inferential Models: A Fiducial Perspective |
Yifan Cui and Jan Hannig
A Geometric Perspective on Bayesian and Generalized Fiducial Inference |
Yang Liu, Jan Hannig, and Alexander C Murph
The Variance-Gamma Distribution: A Review |
Adrian Fischer, Robert Edward Gaunt, and Andrey Sarantsev
Catalytic Priors: Using Synthetic Data to Specify Prior Distributions in Bayesian Analysis |
Dongming Huang, Feicheng Wang, Donald Rubin, and Samuel Kou
On the Use of Auxiliary Variables in Multilevel Regression and Poststratification |
Yajuan Si
Modern Statistical Models and Methods for Estimating Fatigue-Life and Fatigue-Strength Distributions from Experimental Data |
William Q. Meeker, Luis A. Escobar, Francis G. Pascual, Yili Hong, Peng Liu, Wayne M. Falk, and Balajee Ananthasayanam
Cox reduction and confidence sets of models: a theoretical elucidation |
Rebecca Lewis and Heather Battey
Orthogonal and Linear Regressions and Pencils of Confocal Quadrics |
Vladimir Dragovic and Borislav Gajic
Analysis of Linked Files: A Missing Data Perspective |
Gauri Kamat and Roee Gutman
No need for an oracle: the nonparametric maximum likelihood decision in the compound decision problem is minimax |
Ya’acov Ritov
On the Mixed-Model Analysis of Covariance in Cluster-Randomized Trials |
Bingkai Wang, Michael O. Harhay, Dylan S. Small, Tim P. Morris, and Fan Li
Wondering and Mind-Wandering Thoughts on IRT |
Paul De Boeck
Comment: The Evolution of Items and Responses in IRT |
Matthew S Johnson
Multivariate Matérn Models — A Spectral Approach |
Drew Yarger, Stilian Stoev, and Tailen Hsing
Advances in Projection Predictive Inference |
Yann McLatchie, Sölvi Rögnvaldsson, Frank Weber, and Aki Vehtari
Review of Quasi-Randomization Approaches for Estimation from Non-probability Samples |
Vladislav Beresovsky, Julie Gershunskaya, and Terrance D Savitsky
A Cheat Sheet for Bayesian Prediction |
Bertrand Clarke and Yuling Yao
Randomized and Exchangeable Improvements of Markov’s, Chebyshev’s and Chernoff’s Inequalities |
Aaditya Ramdas and Tudor Manole
What You See is Not What is There: Mechanisms, Models and Methods for Point Pattern Deviations |
Peter Guttorp, Janine Illian, Joel Kostensalo, Mikko Kuronen, Mari Myllymäki, Aila Särkkä, and Thordis Thorarinsdottir
Bayesian Predictive Synthesis with Outcome-Dependent Pools |
Matthew C. Johnson and Mike West
Distributionally Robust Optimization and Robust Statistics |
Jose Blanchet, Jiajin Li, Sirui Lin, and Xuhui Zhang
A Bayesian Practitioner’s Guide to Expectation Propagation |
Jackson Zhou, Clara Grazian, and John Thomas Ormerod
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Significance Tests |
Michael Howes
The Infinitesimal Jackknife and Combinations of Models |
Indrayudh Ghosal, Yunzhe Zhou, and Giles Hooker
Overdispersed Multinomial Models |
Antonio Forcina and Jose Manuel Pavia
Bayesian Nonparametric Inference for “Species-Sampling” Problems |
Cecilia Balocchi, Stefano Favaro, and Zacharie Naulet
On Matérn Covariance and Gaussian Markov Random Fields: A Spectral Analysis |
Patrick Edward Brown and Jamie Stafford
Introduction to the Special Issue on Contemporary Bayesian Prediction |
Bertrand Clarke and Pietro Rigo
Overlap Measures Against Roc Summary Indices |
M.Carmen Pardo and Alba M. Franco Pereira
Exchangeability, Prediction and Predictive Modeling in Bayesian Statistics |
Sandra Fortini and Sonia Petrone
Bayesian Dependent Mixture Models: A Predictive Comparison and Survey |
Sara Wade and Vanda Inacio
Evidence Bounds in Singular Models: Probabilistic and Variational Perspectives |
Anirban Bhattacharya, Debdeep Pati, Sean Plummer, and Yun Yang
Doubly Ranked Tests of Location for Grouped Functional Data |
Mark J Meyer
A Primer on Bayesian Neural Networks: Review and Debates |
Julyan Arbel, Konstantinos Pitas, Mariia Vladimirova, and Vincent Fortuin
An Overview of Asymptotic Normality in Stochastic Blockmodels:~Cluster Analysis and Inference |
Joshua Agterberg and Joshua Cape
Approximate Inference With Exponential Tilting Densities: Theory and Applications |
Xiaoping Shi, Xiang-Sheng Wang, Augustine Wong, and Wei Lin
Efficient Generalization and Transportation |
Zhenghao Zeng, Edward H. Kennedy, Lisa M. Bodnar, and Ashley I. Naimi
Predictive Inference in Multi-Environment Scenarios |
John C Duchi, Suyash Gupta, Pragya Sur, and Kuanhao Jiang
Rejoinder |
Yunxiao Chen, Xiaoou Li, Jingchen Liu, and Zhiliang Ying
A Conversation with Byron J.T. Morgan |
Rachel S. McCrea and Byron J. T. Morgan