- Download imsart.cls, imsart.
sty, ejs-sample.tex and ejs-sample.pdf available on GitHub. - Read ejs-sample.pdf.
- Copy ejs-sample.tex to yourpaper.tex.
- Edit the preamble of yourpaper.tex and update the metadata (title, authors, etc).
- Copy the main body of the latex file of your accepted article to the main body of yourpaper.tex.
- Compile yourpaper.tex to generate yourpaper.pdf with a pdflatex or lualatex program and check the result. We prefer that no separate macro or .sty files are used except for imsart.cls and imsart.sty (and possibly figures in pdf, eps, jpg, or png format and bibtex files).
- Send yourpaper.pdf, yourpaper.tex and any other files (figures, etc) needed for compilation as supplementary files to ejournals-ejs@vtex.lt and recall clearly in your email the manuscript number (example: EJS#1112).
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