How are papers submitted?
Manuscripts must be written in Latex using the EJS template. Please see the LaTeX support page for IMS publications to use the template. Manuscripts must be submitted in pdf form.
Papers must be submitted electronically at If you are a first-time user, complete the registration (you are only required to register once.) After registration, you can submit your manuscript. If you are already registered at EJMS in another role/journal, you should add EJS author to your existing profile.
You can suggest potential referees for your paper.
What kind of papers are appropriate for EJS?
We publish papers in all areas of statistics: theory, methodology, and applications.
How should papers be written?
Papers should be written in the same style as in typical statistical journals such as The Annals of Statistics or The Journal of the American Statistical Association. Since the range of topics is wide, make sure that the abstract and Introduction are clear and can be read by a diverse audience.
How are papers handled?
Your paper will be assigned to the Editor, who will then assign the paper to an Associate Editor.
Authors are encouraged to make available algorithms or code to carry out the analyses presented in a paper. Such material will also be posted on Statlib.
When will the paper be posted?
Papers will be posted electronically on Project Euclid shortly after being accepted.