1. The Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics is now using an online submission system (EJMS) for the review process. If you have already registered at EJMS for another journal, you may log in and add “BJPS author” to your profile. If you are new to EJMS, please go to
and click “Registration” and complete the form. You may then post your submission for review. You will receive notification when the submission has been successfully posted.
2. The articles must be written in English.
3. Manuscript Layout
a) The first page must contain the following information: (i) title, (ii) name(s) of author(s) with the corresponding affiliation(s), (iii) an abstract not exceeding 200 words, (iv) key words and phrases.
b) References should be listed in alphabetical order of the author’s (last) name, as in the following examples:
Mentz, R. P. (1977). Estimation in the first order moving average model through the finite autoregressive approximation. Journal of Econometrics 6, 234-241.
Priestley, M. B. (1981). Spectral Analysis and Time Series. London: Academic Press.
References in the text should be given by the author’s name and year of publication; e.g.: Mentz (1977), David (1982, p. 606), Ullah et al. (1982).
We recommend that you do not abbreviate the titles of journals. When used, however, abbreviations should conform with the Mathematical Review list of journal abbreviations.
4. Sections should be numbered 1, 2, etc., Section 1 being an introduction. Mathematical expressions should be numbered in the format (x.y) where x is the section number and y is the appropriate sequence number within that section. Figures, tables, definitions, theorems and corollaries should be numbered consecutively (1, 2, etc.).
5. We strongly recommend the use of the LaTeX packages using the BJPS template available at https://vtex-soft.github.io/texsupport.ims_supported-bjps/.
6. Paper number of pages should not exceed 30.