Periodogram Regression, a Two Stage Mixed Effects Approach for Modelling Multiple Integer-Valued Time Series of Tropical Cyclone Frequency |
Lyuyuan Zhang, Guoqi Qian, and Sourav Das
Boosting Data Analytics with Synthetic Volume Expansion |
Xiaotong Shen, Yifei Liu, and Rex Shen
Heterogeneous Treatment and Spillover Effects Under Clustered Network Interference |
Falco Bargagli-Stoffi, Costanza Tortú, and Laura Forastiere
Leveraging cellphone-derived mobility networks to assess COVID-19 travel risk |
Justin J. Slater, Patrick E. Brown, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, and Jorge Mateu
Risk Set Matched Difference-in-Differences for the Analysis of Effect Modification in an Observational Study on the Impact of Gun Violence on Health Outcomes |
Eric R Cohn, Zirui Son, and Jose R Zubizarreta
Sensitivity Analysis and Power in the Presence of Many Weak Instruments: Application to the Effect of Incarceration on Future Earnings |
Ashkan Ertefaie, Jesse Y Hsu, David Harding, Jeffrey Morenoff, and Dylan S Small
Analyzing Environmental Bioassays with Spatial Odds, Risk, and Survival Probability Ratio Regressions |
Debashis Mondal and Xiaohui Chang
Predicting Census Survey Response Rates with Parsimonious Additive Models and Structured Interactions |
Shibal Ibrahim, Rahul Mazumder, Peter Radchenko, and Emanuel Ben-David
Ultra-Sparse Small Area Estimation With Super Heavy Tailed Priors for Internal Migration Flows |
Brenda Betancourt and Jairo Fuquene-Patino
PoD-BIN: A Probability of Decision Bayesian Interval Design for Time-to-Event Dose-Finding Trials with Multiple Toxicity Grades |
Meizi Liu, Ji Lin, MI Gu, Christelle Lorenzato, Xun Chen, and Yuan Ji
Inferring Synergistic and Antagonistic Interactions in Mixtures of Exposures |
Shounak Chattopadhyay, Stephanie M. Engel, and David Dunson
A New Design for Observational Studies Applied to the Study of the Effects of High School Football on Cognition Late in Life |
Katherine Brumberg, Dylan Small, and Paul Rosenbaum
Contour Location for Reliability in Airfoil Simulation Experiments using Deep Gaussian Processes |
Annie S. Booth, Ashwin Renganathan, and Robert B. Gramacy
Kullback-Leibler-Based Discrete Failure Time Models for Integration of Published Prediction Models with New Time-To-Event Dataset |
Di Wang, Wen Ye, Randall Sung, Hui Jiang, Jeremy M.G. Taylor, Lisa Ly, and Kevin He
Has the Covid-19 Outbreak Capsized the Predictive Performance of Bayesian Var Models With Cointegration and Time-Varying Volatility? |
Anna Pajor, Łukasz Kwiatkowski, and Justyna Wróblewska
Estimating Product Cannibalisation in Wholesale using Multivariate Hawkes Processes with Inhibition |
Isabella Deutsch and Gordon J. Ross
Poisson Cluster Process Models for Detecting Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies |
Dayi Li, Alex Stringer, Patrick Brown, Gwendolyn Eadie, and Roberto Abraham
The Short-Term Dynamics of Conflict-Driven Displacement: Bayesian Modeling of Disaggregated Data from Somalia |
Gregor Zens and Lisa Thalheimer
Accounting for Shared Covariates in Semi-Parametric Bayesian Additive Regression Trees |
Estevao Prado
Statistical Inference for Regression with Imputed Binary Covariates with Application to Emotion Recognition |
Ziqian Lin, Danyang Huang, Ziyu Xiong, and Hansheng Wang
A Bayesian Approach to GRAPPA Parallel fMRI Image Reconstruction Increases SNR and Power of Task Detection |
Chase Sakitis and Daniel Rowe
Overlap Violations in External Validity: Application to Ugandan Cash Transfer Programs |
Melody Huang
A Three-State Coupled Markov Switching Model for Covid-19 Outbreaks Across Quebec Based on Hospital Admissions |
Dirk Douwes-Schultz, Alexandra M. Schmidt, Yannan Shen, and David Buckeridge
Disentangling the Structure of Ecological Bipartite Networks From Observation Processes |
Emre Anakok, Pierre Barbillon, Colin Fontaine, and Elisa Thebault
Comparative Judgement Modeling to Map Forced Marriage at Local Levels |
Rowland Guy Seymour, Albert Nyarko-Agyei, Helen McCabe, Katie Severn, David Sirl, Theodore Kypraios, and Adam Taylor
More Power to You: Using Machine Learning to Augment Human Coding for More Efficient Inference in Text-Based Randomized Trials |
Reagan Mozer and Luke Miratrix
Tracing the Impacts of Mount Pinatubo Eruption on Regional Climate Using Spatially-Varying Changepoint Detection |
Samantha Shi-Jun, Lyndsay Shand, and Bo Li
A Spatial Autoregressive Random Forest Algorithm for Small-Area Spatial Prediction |
Cara MacBride, Vinny Davies, and Duncan Lee
Dynamic Prediction with Multivariate Longitudinal Outcomes and Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data |
Haotian Zou, Luo Xiao, Donglin Zeng, and Sheng Luo
Identifying Peer Influence in Therapeutic Communities Adjusting for Latent Homophily |
Shanjukta Nath, Keith Warren, and Subhadeep Paul
EBiCop: Ensemble Bivariate Copulas for Modeling Multivariate Cyber Data Breach Risks |
Yijia Li, Quynh Nhu Nguyen, Maochao Xu, Peng Zhao, and Taizhong Hu
A Reweighted Random Forest to Predict Health Outcomes Using Human Microbiome Data |
Tian Wang, Bing Li, Huang Xu, Yuqi Miao, Min Qian, and Shuang Wang
Nested Dirichlet Models for Unsupervised Attack Pattern Detection in Honeypot Data |
Francesco Sanna Passino, Anastasia Mantziou, Daniyar Ghani, Philip Thiede, Ross Bevington, and Nicholas A. Heard
A Novel Framework to Quantify Uncertainty in Peptide-Tandem Mass Spectrum Matches With Application to Nanobody Peptide Identification |
Chris Gordon McKennan, Zhe Sang, and Yi Shi
Heterogeneous Network Analysis of Disease Clinical Treatment Measures via Mining Electronic Medical Record Data |
Jiping Wang, Rong Li, Wei-Shan Chang, Kai-Yuan Hsiao, BenChang Shia, and Shuangge Ma
Contrastive Linear Regression |
Boyang Zhang, Sarah Nyquist, Andrew C Jones, Barbara Engelhardt, and Didong Li
Variable Screening and Spatial Smoothing in Frechet Regression with Application to Diffusion Tensor Imaging |
Lei Yan, Xin Zhang, Zhou Lan, Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, and Yichao Wu
Additive Density-on-Scalar Regression in Bayes Hilbert Spaces with an Application to Gender Economics |
Eva-Maria Maier, Almond Stöcker, Bernd Fitzenberger, and Sonja Greven
Selecting Subpopulations for Causal Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs |
Laura Forastiere, Alessandra Mattei, Julia Pesarini, Mauricio Barreto, and Fabrizia Mealli
Rice-Distributed Autoregressive Time Series Modeling of Magnitude Functional MRI Data |
Daniel W Adrian, Ranjan Maitra, and Daniel B Rowe
Holdout Sets for Safe Predictive Model Updating |
Sami Haidar-Wehbe, Samuel R. Emerson, Louis J. M. Aslett, and James Liley
Endogeneity And Moments In Time Series Momentum’s Predictability Test |
Lei Jiang, Liang Peng, Zhongling Qin, and Bingduo Yang
Censored C-Learning for Dynamic Treatment Regime in Colorectal Cancer Study |
Zishu Zhan, Zhishuai Liu, Cunjie Lin, Danhui Yi, and Yufei Yang
Inferring Mechanistic Parameters of Somatic Hypermutation Using Neural Networks and Approximate Bayesian Computation |
Thayer Fisher, Julia Fukuyama, Kevin Sung, Noah Simon, and Frederick Matsen
Design-Based Inference for Spatial Experiments under Unknown Interference |
Ye Wang, Cyrus Samii, Haoge Chang, and P.M. Aronow
Nonparametric Additive Value Functions: Interpretable Reinforcement Learning with an Application to Surgical Recovery |
Patrick Ugochukwu Emedom-Nnamdi, Timothy R Smith, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, and Junwei Lu
Low-Rank Longitudinal Factor Regression With Application to Chemical Mixtures |
Glenn Palmer, Amy H. Herring, and David B. Dunson
Functional Clustering for Longitudinal Associations Between Social Determinants of Health and Stroke Mortality in the US |
Fangzhi Luo, Jianbin Tan, Donglan Zhang, Hui Huang, and Ye Shen
Nonparametric Causal Decomposition of Group Disparities |
Ang Yu and Felix Elwert
Modified Treatment Policy Effect Estimation With Weighted Energy Distance |
Ziren Jiang and Jared Davis Huling
Comparing Baseball Players Across Eras via Novel Full House Modeling |
Shen Yan, Adrian Burgos Jr., Christopher Kinson, and Daniel James Eck
Multi-Run Step-Stress Model for Trend Renewal Data With Applications to Lifetime Assessment for Rechargeable Batteries |
Sheng Tsaing Tseng, Nan-Jung Hsu, and Chien-Chi Wu
Estimating Heterogeneous Causal Effects of High-Dimensional Treatments: Application to Conjoint Analysis |
Max Goplerud, Kosuke Imai, and Nicole Pashley
Biomarker Detection for Disease Classification in Longitudinal Microbiome Data |
Jianhua Hu
CeCNN: Copula-Enhanced Convolutional Neural Networks in Joint Prediction of Refraction Error and Axial Length Based on Ultra-Widefield Fundus Images |
Chong Zhong, Yang Li, Danjuan Yang, Meiyan Li, Xingtao Zhou, Bo Fu, Catherine Chunling Liu, and Alan Hepburn Welsh
An Application of Vine Based Regression to Flight Landing Data |
Hassan Alnasser and Claudia Czado
Learn then Test: Calibrating Predictive Algorithms to Achieve Risk Control |
Anastasios Nikolas Angelopoulos, Stephen Bates, Emmanuel Jean Candès, Michael Irwin Jordan, and Lihua Lei
A Unified Quantile Framework for Nonlinear Heterogeneous Transcriptome-Wide Associations |
Tianying Wang, Iuliana Ionita-Laza, and Ying Wei
Functional Data Analysis With Möbius Waves: Applications to Biomedical Oscillatory Signals |
Itziar Fernández, Yolanda Larriba, Christian Canedo, and Cristina Rueda
Cluster Analysis of Longitudinal Profiles for Compositional Count Data |
Chenyang Duan and Yuan Jiang
Bayesian Inference for Partial Orders From Random Linear Extensions: Power Relations From 12th Century Royal Acta |
Geoff K. Nicholls, Jeong Eun Lee, Nicholas Karn, David Johnson, Rukuang Huang, and Alexis Muir-Watt
Estimating Reporting Bias in 311 Complaint Data |
Kate S Boxer, Boyeong Hong, Constantine E Kontokosta, and Daniel B Neill
Flexible Bayesian Spatial Modeling for Unknown Missing Data Mechanism in Survey Analysis: an Application to the Chinese General Society Survey |
Guanyu Hu, Ming-Hui Chen, and Zhihua Ma
Effects of Adolescent Victimization on Offending: Flexible Methods for Missing Data & Unmeasured Confounding |
Mateo Dulce Rubio, Edward H. Kennedy, Valerio Baćak, and Daniel S. Nagin
Modeling Structure and Country-specific Heterogeneity in Misclassification Matrices of Verbal Autopsy-based Cause of Death Classifiers |
Sandipan Pramanik, Scott Zeger, Dianna Blau, and Abhirup Datta
Bayesian Data Augmentation for Recurrent Events Under Intermittent Assessment in Overlapping Intervals with Applications to EMR Data |
Xin Liu and Patrick M Schnell
Supervised Centrality via Sparse Network Influence Regression: An Application to the 2021 Henan Floods’ Social Network |
Yingying Ma, Wei Lan, Chenlei Leng, Ting Li, and Hansheng Wang
A Privacy-Preserved and High-Utility Synthesis Strategy for Risk-Based Stratified Subgroups of the Canadian Scleroderma Patient Registry Data |
Bei Jiang, Adrian E. Raftery, Russell J. Steele, and Naisyin Wang
A General Framework of Brain Region Detection and Genetic Variants Selection in Imaging Genetics |
Siqiang Su, Zhenghao Li, Long Feng, and Ting Li
Averaged Prediction Models (APM): Identifying Causal Effects in Controlled Pre-post Settings with Application to Gun Policy |
Thomas Leavitt and Laura Hatfield
Augmented Doubly Robust Post-Imputation Inference for Proteomic Data |
Haeun Moon, Jin-Hong Du, Jing Lei, and Kathryn Roeder
A Deep Neural Network Two-part Model and Feature Importance Test for Semi-continuous Data |
Baiming Zou, Xinlei Mi, Shiyu Wan, James G. Xenakis, Di Wu, Jianhua Hu, and Fei Zou
Bayesian Nonparametric Clustering with Feature Selection for Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Data |
Bencong Zhu, Guanyu Hu, Lin Xu, Xiaodan Fan, and Qiwei Li
Inferring Epidemics From Multiple Dependent Data via Pseudo-Marginal Methods |
Alice Corbella, Anne M Presanis, Paul J Birrell, and Daniela De Angelis
Is the Price Cap for Gas Useful? Evidence From European Countries |
Francesco Ravazzolo and Luca Rossini
Federated Learning of Robust Individualized Decision Rules with Application to Heterogeneous Multi-Hospital Sepsis Population |
Xinlei Chen, Victor B. Talisa, Xiaoqing Tan, Zhengling Qi, Jason N. Kennedy, Chung-Chou H. Chang, Christopher W. Seymour, and Lu Tang
A Flexible and Parsimonious Modelling Strategy for Clustered Data Analysis |
Tao Huang, Youquan Pei, Jinhong You, and Wenyang Zhang
A Pólya Tree Modelling Framework for Batch-Mark Data |
Ioannis Rotous, Eleni Matechou, and Alex Diana
Predicting Gender Employment Discrepancies: A Multivariate Model for Transformed Proportions |
Esteban Cabello García, Domingo Morales, and Agustín Pérez
Multiple Imputation of Hierarchical Nonlinear Time Series Data with an Application to School Enrollment Data |
Daphne Hong-Hsiao Liu and Adrian Elmes Raftery
Functional Factor Modeling of Brain Connectivity |
Kyle Stanley, Nicole Lazar, and Matthew Reimherr
The Properties of Covariate-Adaptive Randomization Procedures With Possibly Unequal Allocation Ratio |
Xiao Liu, Feifang Hu, and Wei Ma
Data Harmonization Via Regularized Nonparametric Mixing Distribution Estimation |
Steven Wilkins-Reeves, Yen-Chi Chen, and Kwun Chuen (Gary) Chan
Temporal Network Influence Model with Application to the COVID-19 Population Flow Network |
Dongxue Zhang, Long Feng, Yujia Wu, Wei Lan, and Jing Zhou
Cooperative Differential Network Learning With Hub Detection for Multi-Center Neuroimaging Data |
Hao Chen, Dingzi Guo, Ying Guo, Yong He, Dong Liu, Lei Liu, Yue Yin, and Xiaohua Zhou
Synthesizing Data Products, Mathematical Models, and Observational Measurements for Lake Temperature Forecasting |
Maike Holthuijzen, Robert B Gramacy, Cayelan C Carey, David M Higdon, and R Quinn Thomas
Clustering and Meta-Analysis Using a Mixture of Dependent Tail-Free Priors |
Bernardo Flores and Peter Mueller
Computationally Efficient Whole-Genome Signal Region Detection for Quantitative and Binary Traits |
Fan Wang, Wei Zhang, and Fang Yao