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Papers to Appear in Subsequent Issues

When papers are accepted for publication, they will appear below. Any changes that are made during the production process will only appear in the final version. Papers listed here are not updated during the production process and are removed once an issue is published.

Periodogram Regression, a Two Stage Mixed Effects Approach for Modelling Multiple Integer-Valued Time Series of Tropical Cyclone Frequency Lyuyuan Zhang, Guoqi Qian, and Sourav Das
Boosting Data Analytics with Synthetic Volume Expansion Xiaotong Shen, Yifei Liu, and Rex Shen
Heterogeneous Treatment and Spillover Effects Under Clustered Network Interference Falco Bargagli-Stoffi, Costanza Tortú, and Laura Forastiere
Leveraging cellphone-derived mobility networks to assess COVID-19 travel risk Justin J. Slater, Patrick E. Brown, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, and Jorge Mateu
Risk Set Matched Difference-in-Differences for the Analysis of Effect Modification in an Observational Study on the Impact of Gun Violence on Health Outcomes Eric R Cohn, Zirui Son, and Jose R Zubizarreta
Sensitivity Analysis and Power in the Presence of Many Weak Instruments:  Application to the Effect of Incarceration on Future Earnings Ashkan Ertefaie, Jesse Y Hsu, David Harding, Jeffrey Morenoff, and Dylan S Small
Analyzing Environmental Bioassays with Spatial Odds, Risk, and Survival Probability Ratio Regressions Debashis Mondal and Xiaohui Chang
Predicting Census Survey Response Rates  with Parsimonious Additive Models and Structured Interactions Shibal Ibrahim, Rahul Mazumder, Peter Radchenko, and Emanuel Ben-David
Ultra-Sparse Small Area Estimation With Super Heavy Tailed Priors for Internal Migration Flows Brenda Betancourt and Jairo Fuquene-Patino
PoD-BIN:  A Probability of Decision Bayesian Interval Design for Time-to-Event Dose-Finding Trials with Multiple Toxicity Grades Meizi Liu, Ji Lin, MI Gu, Christelle Lorenzato, Xun Chen, and Yuan Ji
Inferring Synergistic and Antagonistic Interactions in Mixtures of Exposures Shounak Chattopadhyay, Stephanie M. Engel, and David Dunson
A New Design for Observational Studies Applied to the Study of the Effects of High School Football on Cognition Late in Life Katherine Brumberg, Dylan Small, and Paul Rosenbaum
Contour Location for Reliability in Airfoil Simulation Experiments using Deep Gaussian Processes Annie S. Booth, Ashwin Renganathan, and Robert B. Gramacy
Kullback-Leibler-Based Discrete Failure Time Models for Integration of Published Prediction Models with New Time-To-Event Dataset Di Wang, Wen Ye, Randall Sung, Hui Jiang, Jeremy M.G. Taylor, Lisa Ly, and Kevin He
Has the Covid-19 Outbreak Capsized the Predictive Performance of Bayesian Var Models With Cointegration and Time-Varying Volatility? Anna Pajor, Łukasz Kwiatkowski, and Justyna Wróblewska
Estimating Product Cannibalisation in Wholesale using Multivariate Hawkes Processes with Inhibition Isabella Deutsch and Gordon J. Ross
Poisson Cluster Process Models for Detecting Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies Dayi Li, Alex Stringer, Patrick Brown, Gwendolyn Eadie, and Roberto Abraham
The Short-Term Dynamics of Conflict-Driven Displacement: Bayesian Modeling of Disaggregated Data from Somalia Gregor Zens and Lisa Thalheimer
Accounting for Shared Covariates in Semi-Parametric Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Estevao Prado
Statistical Inference for Regression with Imputed Binary Covariates with Application to Emotion Recognition Ziqian Lin, Danyang Huang, Ziyu Xiong, and Hansheng Wang
A Bayesian Approach to GRAPPA Parallel fMRI Image Reconstruction Increases SNR and Power of Task Detection Chase Sakitis and Daniel Rowe
Overlap Violations in External Validity: Application to Ugandan Cash Transfer Programs Melody Huang
A Three-State Coupled Markov Switching Model for Covid-19 Outbreaks Across Quebec Based on Hospital Admissions Dirk Douwes-Schultz, Alexandra M. Schmidt, Yannan Shen, and David Buckeridge
Disentangling the Structure of Ecological Bipartite Networks From Observation Processes Emre Anakok, Pierre Barbillon, Colin Fontaine, and Elisa Thebault
Comparative Judgement Modeling to Map Forced Marriage at Local Levels Rowland Guy Seymour, Albert Nyarko-Agyei, Helen McCabe, Katie Severn, David Sirl, Theodore Kypraios, and Adam Taylor
More Power to You: Using Machine Learning to Augment Human Coding for More Efficient Inference in Text-Based Randomized Trials Reagan Mozer and Luke Miratrix
Tracing the Impacts of Mount Pinatubo Eruption on Regional Climate Using Spatially-Varying Changepoint Detection Samantha Shi-Jun, Lyndsay Shand, and Bo Li
A Spatial Autoregressive Random Forest Algorithm for Small-Area Spatial Prediction Cara MacBride, Vinny Davies, and Duncan Lee
Dynamic Prediction with Multivariate Longitudinal Outcomes and Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Haotian Zou, Luo Xiao, Donglin Zeng, and Sheng Luo
Identifying Peer Influence in Therapeutic Communities Adjusting for Latent Homophily Shanjukta Nath, Keith Warren, and Subhadeep Paul
EBiCop: Ensemble Bivariate Copulas for Modeling Multivariate Cyber Data Breach Risks Yijia Li, Quynh Nhu Nguyen, Maochao Xu, Peng Zhao, and Taizhong Hu
A Reweighted Random Forest to Predict Health Outcomes Using Human Microbiome Data Tian Wang, Bing Li, Huang Xu, Yuqi Miao, Min Qian, and Shuang Wang
Nested Dirichlet Models for Unsupervised Attack Pattern Detection in Honeypot Data Francesco Sanna Passino, Anastasia Mantziou, Daniyar Ghani, Philip Thiede, Ross Bevington, and Nicholas A. Heard
A Novel Framework to Quantify Uncertainty in Peptide-Tandem Mass Spectrum Matches With Application to Nanobody Peptide Identification Chris Gordon McKennan, Zhe Sang, and Yi Shi
Heterogeneous Network Analysis of Disease Clinical Treatment Measures via Mining Electronic Medical Record Data Jiping Wang, Rong Li, Wei-Shan Chang, Kai-Yuan Hsiao, BenChang Shia, and Shuangge Ma
Contrastive Linear Regression Boyang Zhang, Sarah Nyquist, Andrew C Jones, Barbara Engelhardt, and Didong Li
Variable Screening and Spatial Smoothing in Frechet Regression with Application to Diffusion Tensor Imaging Lei Yan, Xin Zhang, Zhou Lan, Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, and Yichao Wu
Additive Density-on-Scalar Regression in Bayes Hilbert Spaces with an Application to Gender Economics Eva-Maria Maier, Almond Stöcker, Bernd Fitzenberger, and Sonja Greven
Selecting Subpopulations for Causal Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs Laura Forastiere, Alessandra Mattei, Julia Pesarini, Mauricio Barreto, and Fabrizia Mealli
Rice-Distributed Autoregressive Time Series Modeling of Magnitude Functional MRI Data Daniel W Adrian, Ranjan Maitra, and Daniel B Rowe
Holdout Sets for Safe Predictive Model Updating Sami Haidar-Wehbe, Samuel R. Emerson, Louis J. M. Aslett, and James Liley
Endogeneity And Moments In Time Series Momentum’s Predictability Test Lei Jiang, Liang Peng, Zhongling Qin, and Bingduo Yang
Censored C-Learning for Dynamic Treatment Regime in Colorectal Cancer Study Zishu Zhan, Zhishuai Liu, Cunjie Lin, Danhui Yi, and Yufei Yang
Inferring Mechanistic Parameters of Somatic Hypermutation Using Neural Networks and Approximate Bayesian Computation Thayer Fisher, Julia Fukuyama, Kevin Sung, Noah Simon, and Frederick Matsen
Design-Based Inference for Spatial Experiments under Unknown Interference Ye Wang, Cyrus Samii, Haoge Chang, and P.M. Aronow
Nonparametric Additive Value Functions: Interpretable Reinforcement Learning with an Application to Surgical Recovery Patrick Ugochukwu Emedom-Nnamdi, Timothy R Smith, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, and Junwei Lu
Low-Rank Longitudinal Factor Regression With Application to Chemical Mixtures Glenn Palmer, Amy H. Herring, and David B. Dunson
Functional Clustering for Longitudinal Associations Between Social Determinants of Health and Stroke Mortality in the US Fangzhi Luo, Jianbin Tan, Donglan Zhang, Hui Huang, and Ye Shen
Nonparametric Causal Decomposition of Group Disparities Ang Yu and Felix Elwert
Modified Treatment Policy Effect Estimation With Weighted Energy Distance Ziren Jiang and Jared Davis Huling
Comparing Baseball Players Across Eras via Novel Full House Modeling Shen Yan, Adrian Burgos Jr., Christopher Kinson, and Daniel James Eck
Multi-Run Step-Stress Model for Trend Renewal Data With Applications to Lifetime Assessment for Rechargeable Batteries Sheng Tsaing Tseng, Nan-Jung Hsu, and Chien-Chi Wu
Estimating Heterogeneous Causal Effects of High-Dimensional Treatments: Application to Conjoint Analysis Max Goplerud, Kosuke Imai, and Nicole Pashley
Biomarker Detection for Disease Classification in Longitudinal Microbiome Data Jianhua Hu
CeCNN: Copula-Enhanced Convolutional Neural Networks in Joint Prediction of Refraction Error and Axial Length Based on Ultra-Widefield Fundus Images Chong Zhong, Yang Li, Danjuan Yang, Meiyan Li, Xingtao Zhou, Bo Fu, Catherine Chunling Liu, and Alan Hepburn Welsh
An Application of Vine Based Regression to Flight Landing Data Hassan Alnasser and Claudia Czado
Learn then Test: Calibrating Predictive Algorithms to Achieve Risk Control Anastasios Nikolas Angelopoulos, Stephen Bates, Emmanuel Jean Candès, Michael Irwin Jordan, and Lihua Lei
A Unified Quantile Framework for Nonlinear Heterogeneous Transcriptome-Wide Associations Tianying Wang, Iuliana Ionita-Laza, and Ying Wei
Functional Data Analysis With Möbius Waves: Applications to Biomedical Oscillatory Signals Itziar Fernández, Yolanda Larriba, Christian Canedo, and Cristina Rueda
Cluster Analysis of Longitudinal Profiles for Compositional Count Data Chenyang Duan and Yuan Jiang
Bayesian Inference for Partial Orders From Random Linear Extensions: Power Relations From 12th Century Royal Acta Geoff K. Nicholls, Jeong Eun Lee, Nicholas Karn, David Johnson, Rukuang Huang, and Alexis Muir-Watt
Estimating Reporting Bias in 311 Complaint Data Kate S Boxer, Boyeong Hong, Constantine E Kontokosta, and Daniel B Neill
Flexible Bayesian Spatial Modeling for Unknown Missing Data Mechanism in Survey Analysis: an Application to the Chinese General Society Survey Guanyu Hu, Ming-Hui Chen, and Zhihua Ma
Effects of Adolescent Victimization on Offending: Flexible Methods for Missing Data & Unmeasured Confounding Mateo Dulce Rubio, Edward H. Kennedy, Valerio Baćak, and Daniel S. Nagin
Modeling Structure and Country-specific Heterogeneity in Misclassification Matrices of Verbal Autopsy-based Cause of Death Classifiers Sandipan Pramanik, Scott Zeger, Dianna Blau, and Abhirup Datta
Bayesian Data Augmentation for Recurrent Events Under Intermittent Assessment in Overlapping Intervals with Applications to EMR Data Xin Liu and Patrick M Schnell
Supervised Centrality via Sparse Network Influence Regression: An Application to the 2021 Henan Floods’ Social Network Yingying Ma, Wei Lan, Chenlei Leng, Ting Li, and Hansheng Wang
A Privacy-Preserved and High-Utility Synthesis Strategy for Risk-Based Stratified Subgroups of the Canadian Scleroderma Patient Registry Data Bei Jiang, Adrian E. Raftery, Russell J. Steele, and Naisyin Wang
A General Framework of Brain Region Detection and Genetic Variants Selection in Imaging Genetics Siqiang Su, Zhenghao Li, Long Feng, and Ting Li
Averaged Prediction Models (APM): Identifying Causal Effects in Controlled Pre-post Settings with Application to Gun Policy Thomas Leavitt and Laura Hatfield
Augmented Doubly Robust Post-Imputation Inference for Proteomic Data Haeun Moon, Jin-Hong Du, Jing Lei, and Kathryn Roeder
A Deep Neural Network Two-part Model and Feature Importance Test for Semi-continuous Data Baiming Zou, Xinlei Mi, Shiyu Wan, James G. Xenakis, Di Wu, Jianhua Hu, and Fei Zou
Bayesian Nonparametric Clustering with Feature Selection for Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Data Bencong Zhu, Guanyu Hu, Lin Xu, Xiaodan Fan, and Qiwei Li
Inferring Epidemics From Multiple Dependent Data via Pseudo-Marginal Methods Alice Corbella, Anne M Presanis, Paul J Birrell, and Daniela De Angelis
Is the Price Cap for Gas Useful? Evidence From European Countries Francesco Ravazzolo and Luca Rossini
Federated Learning of Robust Individualized Decision Rules with Application to Heterogeneous Multi-Hospital Sepsis Population Xinlei Chen, Victor B. Talisa, Xiaoqing Tan, Zhengling Qi, Jason N. Kennedy, Chung-Chou H. Chang, Christopher W. Seymour, and Lu Tang
A Flexible and Parsimonious Modelling Strategy for Clustered Data Analysis Tao Huang, Youquan Pei, Jinhong You, and Wenyang Zhang
A Pólya Tree Modelling Framework for Batch-Mark Data Ioannis Rotous, Eleni Matechou, and Alex Diana
Predicting Gender Employment Discrepancies: A Multivariate Model for Transformed Proportions Esteban Cabello García, Domingo Morales, and Agustín Pérez
Multiple Imputation of Hierarchical Nonlinear Time Series Data with an Application to School Enrollment Data Daphne Hong-Hsiao Liu and Adrian Elmes Raftery
Functional Factor Modeling of Brain Connectivity Kyle Stanley, Nicole Lazar, and Matthew Reimherr
The Properties of Covariate-Adaptive Randomization Procedures With Possibly Unequal Allocation Ratio Xiao Liu, Feifang Hu, and Wei Ma
Data Harmonization Via Regularized Nonparametric Mixing Distribution Estimation Steven Wilkins-Reeves, Yen-Chi Chen, and Kwun Chuen (Gary) Chan
Temporal Network Influence Model with Application to the COVID-19 Population Flow Network Dongxue Zhang, Long Feng, Yujia Wu, Wei Lan, and Jing Zhou
Cooperative Differential Network Learning With Hub Detection for Multi-Center Neuroimaging Data Hao Chen, Dingzi Guo, Ying Guo, Yong He, Dong Liu, Lei Liu, Yue Yin, and Xiaohua Zhou
Synthesizing Data Products, Mathematical Models, and Observational Measurements for Lake Temperature Forecasting Maike Holthuijzen, Robert B Gramacy, Cayelan C Carey, David M Higdon, and R Quinn Thomas
Clustering and Meta-Analysis Using a Mixture of Dependent Tail-Free Priors Bernardo Flores and Peter Mueller
Computationally Efficient Whole-Genome Signal Region Detection for Quantitative and Binary Traits Fan Wang, Wei Zhang, and Fang Yao