Exploration-exploitation trade-off for continuous-time episodic reinforcement learning with linear-convex models |
Lukasz Szpruch, Tanut Treetanthiploet, and Yufei Zhang
High-Dimensional Scaling Limits and Fluctuations of Online Least-Squares SGD With Smooth Covariance |
Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Promit Ghosal, and Ye He
A Regularized Kellerer Theorem in Arbitrary Dimension |
Gudmund Pammer , Benjamin Alexander Robinson, and Walter Schachermayer
Nonlinear Semigroups and Limit Theorems for Convex Expectations |
Jonas Blessing and Michael Kupper
Structural results for the Tree Builder Random Walk |
Janos Englander, Giulio Iacobelli, Gábor Pete, and Rodrigo Ribeiro
Solving McKean-Vlasov SDEs via Relative Entropy |
Yi Han
Random Probability Measures With Fixed Mean Distributions |
Francesco Gaffi, Antonio Lijoi, and Igor Pruenster
Convergence of Dirichlet Forms for MCMC Optimal Scaling with Dependent Target Distributions on Large Graphs |
Ning Ning
The ODE Method for Asymptotic Statistics in Stochastic Approximation and Reinforcement Learning |
Vivek Borkar, Shuhang Chen, Adithya Devraj, Ioannis Kontoyiannis, and Sean Peter Meyn
The Critical Karp–Sipser Core of Random Graphs |
Thomas Budzinski, Alice Contat, and Nicolas Curien
Uniform Convergence of the Fleming-Viot Process in a Hard-Killing Metastable Case |
Lucas Journel and Pierre Monmarché
The Roughness Exponent and Its Model-Free Estimation |
Xiyue Han and Alexander Schied
Insight From the Kullback–Leibler Divergence Into Adaptive Importance Sampling Schemes for Rare Event Analysis in High Dimension |
Jason Beh, Yonatan Shadmi, and Florian Simatos
Macroscopic Diffusive Fluctuations for Generalized Hard Rods Dynamics |
Pablo Augusto Ferrari and Stefano Olla
Sharp Analysis on the Joint Distribution of the Number of Descents and Inverse Descents in a Random Permutation |
Bernard Bercu, Michel Bonnefont, Luis Fredes, and Adrien Richou
Cutoff Phenomenon in Nonlinear Recombinations |
Pietro Caputo, Cyril Labbe, and Hubert Lacoin
Fluctuations of Stochastic PDEs With Long-Range Correlations |
Luca Gerolla, Martin Hairer, and Xue-Mei Li
Distributionally Robust Gaussian Process Regression and Bayesian Inverse Problems |
Xuhui Zhang, Jose Blanchet, Youssef Marzouk, Viet Anh Nguyen, and Sven Wang
A Quasi-Stationary Approach to the Long-Term Asymptotics of the Growth-Fragmentation Equation |
Denis Villemonais and Alexander R. Watson
Concentration of Contractive Stochastic Approximation: Additive and Multiplicative Noise |
Zaiwei Chen, Siva Theja Maguluri, and Martin Zubeldia
Reinforced Galton-Watson Processes II: Large Time Behaviors |
Jean Bertoin and Bastien Mallein
Invariance Principle and Mckean-Vlasov Limit for Randomized Load Balancing in Heavy Traffic |
Rami Atar and Gershon Wolansky
Average-case and Smoothed Analysis of Graph Isomorphism |
Julia Gaudio, Miklos Racz, and Anirudh Sridhar
Central Limit Theorem for Gram-Schmidt Random Walk Design |
Sabyasachi Chatterjee, Partha Sarathi Dey, and Subhajit Goswami
Mean Field Games With Common Noise and Degenerate Idiosyncratic Noise |
Pierre Cardaliaguet, Benjamin Seeger, and Panagiotis Souganidis
Weak Well-Posedness of Stochastic Volterra Equations With Completely Monotone Kernels and Non-Degenerate Noise |
Yushi Hamaguchi
Ergodic Risk Sensitive Control of Markovian Multiclass Many-Server Queues with Abandonment |
Sumith Reddy Anugu and Guodong Pang
Strong Solutions to Submodular Mean Field Games With Common Noise and Related Mckean-Vlasov FBSDEs |
Jodi Dianetti
Hessian Spectrum at the Global Minimum and Topology Trivialization of Locally Isotropic Gaussian Random Fields |
Hao Xu and Qiang Zeng
Quantitative CLTs on the Poisson Space via Skorohod Estimates and -Poincaré Inequalities |
Tara Trauthwein
Dynamic Spatial Matching |
Yash Kanoria
Statistical Learning with Sublinear Regret of Propagator Models |
Eyal Neuman and Yufei Zhang
Continuous-Time Random Matching |
Darrell Duffie, Lei Qiao, and Yeneng Sun
Conditions for Existence and Uniqueness of the Inverse First-Passage Time Problem Applicable for Lévy Processes and Diffusions |
Alexander Klump and Mladen Savov
On a General Kac-Rice Formula for the Measure of a Level Set |
Diego Armentano , Jean-Marc Azaïs, and José Rafael León
The Moran Model With Random Resampling Rates |
Siva Athreya, Frank den Hollander, and Adrian Röllin
Genetic Composition of Supercritical Branching Populations Under Power Law Mutation Rates |
Vianney Brouard
Euler Scheme for SDEs Driven by Fractional Brownian Motions: Integrability and Convergence in Law |
Jorge A. Leon, Yanghui Liu, and Samy Tindel
-Optimal Transport of Anisotropic Log-Concave Measures and Exponential Convergence in Fisher’s Infinitesimal Model |
Ksenia A. Khudiakova, Jan Maas, and Francesco Pedrotti
Asymptotic Expansions for High-Frequency Option Data |
Carsten H. Chong and Viktor Todorov
Sharp Non-uniqueness of Solutions to 2D Navier-Stokes Equations with Space-Time White Noise |
Huaxiang Lv and Xiangchan Zhu
The Anisotropy of 2D or 3D Gaussian Random Fields Through Their Lipschitz-Killing Curvature Densities |
Hermine Biermé and Agnès Desolneux
Cutoff for Random Walk on Random Graphs With a Community Structure |
Andela Sarkovic, Perla Sousi, and Jonathan Hermon
Mean-Field Backward Stochastic Differential Equations and Nonlocal PDEs With Quadratic Growth |
Tao Hao, Ying Hu, Shanjian Tang, and Jiaqiang Wen
Anomalous and Total Dissipation Due to Advection by Solutions of Randomly Forced Navier-Stokes Equations |
Martina Hofmanová, Umberto Pappalettera, Rongchan Zhu, and Xiangchan Zhu
The Global and Local Limit of the Continuous-Time Mallows Process |
Michał Kotowski and Radosław Adamczak
Stochastic Epidemic Models With Varying Infectivity and Waning Immunity |
Raphaël Forien, Guodong Pang, Étienne Pardoux, and Arsene Brice Zotsa Ngoufack