The Annals of Applied Probability aims to publish research of the highest quality reflecting the varied facets of contemporary Applied Probability.  Primary emphasis is placed on importance and originality.

Editorial Board


Jian Ding (2025-2027) Claudio Landim (2025-2027)

Associate Editors

Beatrice Acciaio Eveliina Peltola
Shankar Bhamidi Sarah Penington
Bhaswar Bhattacharya Daniel Remenik
Matthias Birkner Tselil Schramm
Sourav Chatterjee Sumeetpal Singh
Wei-Kuo Chen Perla Sousi
Bingyi Jing Rongfeng Sun
Hubert Lacoin Roman Vershynin
Xue-Mei Li Jonathan Q Weare
Qi Lv Wenxin Zhou 
Jean-Christophe Mourrat Rongchan Zhu
Marcel Nutz

Managing Editor

Dan Nordman

Production Editor

Patrick Kelly

Past Editors

Past Editors from previous years

Active Associate Editors from the Past Term

Pauline Barrieu  Antti Knowles
Mathias Beiglboeck Johannes Muhle-Karbe
Anup Biswas Ivan Nourdin
Jochen Blath Nicolas Perkowski
Francesco Caravenna Mathieu Rosenbaum
Pierre Del Moral Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
Stefan Gerhold Jan Swart
Emmanuel Gobet Pierre Tarres
Patrícia Gonçalves Amandine Véber
Ajay Jasra Ruth J. Williams
Arnulf Jentzen Nikolaos Zygouras