Fractal Geometry of the Valleys of the Parabolic Anderson Equation |
Promit Ghosal and Jaeyun Yi
Sharp convergence to equilibrium for the SSEP with reservoirs |
Patrícia Gonçalves, Milton Jara, Rodrigo Marinho, and Otávio Menezes
Stochastic Fusion of Interacting Particle Systems and Duality Functions |
Jeffrey Kuan
A transfer principle for branched rough paths |
Emilio Ferrucci
Law of large numbers for ballistic random walks in dynamic random environments under lateral decoupling |
Weberson da Silva Arcanjo, Rangel Baldasso, Marcelo Richard Hilário, and Renato Soares dos Santos
Pruning, cut trees, and the reconstruction problem |
Nicolas Broutin, Hui He, and Minmin Wang
Eyring-Kramers type formulas for some piecewise deterministic Markov processes |
Boris Nectoux, Dorian Le Peutrec, and Laurent Michel
Hypergeometric SLE with k=8: convergence of UST and LERW in topological rectangles |
Yong Han, Mingchang Liu, and Hao Wu
The supremum of Brownian local times on Hölder curves revisited |
Richard F. Bass and Krzysztof Burdzy
Hydrodynamic limit and cutoff for the biased adjacent walk on the simplex |
Cyril Labbé and Enguérand Petit
Representations of Hecke algebras and Markov dualities for interacting particle systems |
Alexander Povolotsky, Pavel Pyatov, Roger Tribe, Bruce Westbury, and Oleg V Zaboronski
Gaussian, stable, tempered stable and mixed limit laws for random walks in cooling random environments |
Luca Avena, Conrado da Costa, and Jonathon Peterson
Uniform in time weak propagation of chaos on the torus |
Francois Delarue and Alvin Tse
Functional limits for “tied down” occupation time processes of infinite ergodic transformations |
Jon Aaronson and Toru Sera
Binary branching processes with Moran type interactions |
Alexander Cox, Emma Horton, and Denis Villemonais
Infinite geodesics, competition interfaces and the second class particle in the scaling limit |
Mustazee Rahman and Balint Virag
A lower-tail limit in the weak noise theory |
Yier Lin and Li-Cheng Tsai
The contact process on dynamical scale-free networks |
Emmanuel Jacob, Amitai Linker, and Peter Mörters
Steady state large deviations for one-dimensional, symmetric exclusion processes in weak contact with reservoirs |
Claudio Landim, Angele Bouley, and Clement Erignoux
Large deviations for the volume of hyperbolic k-nearest neighbor balls |
Christian Hirsch, Moritz Otto, Takashi Owada, and Christoph Thäle
Inducing techniques for quantitative recurrence and applications to Misiurewicz maps and doubly intermittent maps |
Dylan Bansard-Tresse and Jorge Milhazes Freitas
A unified approach to gradient type formulas for decoupled FBSDEs and some applications |
Xiliang Fan, Michael Röckner, and Shao-Qin Zhang
Scaling limit of the directional conductivity of random resistor networks on point processes |
Alessandra Faggionato
Eigenvalues and spectral gap in sparse random simplicial complexes |
Shaked Leibzirer and Ron Rosenthal
Absence of weak disorder for directed polymers on supercritical percolation clusters |
Maximilian Nitzschner
Singularity degree of structured random matrices |
David Renfrew
SLEκ(ρ) bubble measures |
Dapeng Zhan
The conditioned Lyapunov spectrum for random dynamical systems |
Matheus M. Castro, Dennis Chemnitz, Hugo Chu, Maximilian Engel, Jeroen S.W. Lamb, and Martin Rasmussen
Slow-fast dynamics in stochastic Lotka-Volterra systems |
Julien Barré, Bastien Fernandez, and Grégoire Panel
Reducing metastable continuous-space Markov chains to Markov chains on a finite set |
Nils Berglund
On large 3/2-stable maps |
Emmanuel Kammerer
Spatial Markov property in Brownian disks |
Jean-François Le Gall and Armand Riera
Large Deviations Asymptotics for Unbounded Additive Functionals of Diffusion Processes |
Mihail Bazhba, Jose Blanchet, Roger Laeven, and Bert Zwart
Emergence of fractional Gaussian free field correlations in subcritical long-range Ising models |
Romain Panis and Trishen S Gunaratnam
Gibbs measures for the repulsive Bose gas |
Tianyi Bai and Quirin Vogel
Edge Universality of Sparse Random Matrices |
Jiaoyang Huang and Horng-Tzer Yau
Quantitative weak propagation of chaos for stable-driven McKean-Vlasov SDEs |
Thomas Cavallazzi
Homological percolation on a torus: plaquettes and permutohedra |
Paul Duncan, Matthew Kahle, and Benjamin Schweinhart
Improved Rates of Bootstrap Approximation for the Operator Norm: A Coordinate-Free Approach |
Miles E. Lopes
Extreme local extrema of the sine-Gordon field |
Michael Hofstetter
Ergodicity results for the open KPZ equation |
Shalin Parekh
Equivalence of metric gluing and conformal welding in γ-Liouville quantum gravity for γ ∈ (0,2) |
Liam Hughes and Jason Miller
On the fluctuations of an SDE system modelling grid cells |
Andrea Clini
Invariant measures for multilane exclusion process |
Gideon Amir, Christophe Bahadoran, Ofer Busani, and Ellen Saada
Solving the hyperbolic Anderson model 1: Skorohod setting |
Xia Chen, Aurélien Deya, Jian Song, and Samy Tindel
Deviation inequalities and moderate deviations for the symmetric exclusion process |
Fuqing Gao and Jeremy Quastel
Robust density estimation with the 𝕃1-loss. Applications to the estimation of a density on the line satisfying a shape constraint |
Yannick Baraud, Hélène Halconruy, and Guillaume Maillard
The extremal position of a branching random walk on the general linear group |
Ion Grama, Sebastian Mentemeier, and Hui Xiao
Un-inverting the Parisi formula |
Jean-Christophe Mourrat
Asymptotics of cross-validation |
Morgane Austern and Wenda Zhou
Fusion asymptotics for Liouville correlation functions |
Guillaume Baverez and Mo Dick Wong
Lace Expansion and Mean-Field Behavior for the Random Connection Model |
Markus Heydenreich, Remco van der Hofstad, and Günter Last, Kilian Matzke
On the hard edge limit of the zero temperature Laguerre beta corners process |
Matthew Lerner-Brecher
A Gaussian correlation inequality for plurisubharmonic functions |
Dario Cordero-Erausquin and Franck Barthe
A family of natural equilibrium measures for Sinai billiard flows |
Jérôme Carrand
Reflected BSEs, Reflected BSDEs and fixed-point problems |
Hun O and Mun-Chol Kim
A converse to Pitman’s theorem for a space-time Brownian motion in a type A11 Weyl chamber |
Manon Defosseux, Charlie Herent
Central limit theorem over non-linear functionals of empirical measures: beyond the iid setting |
Roberta Flenghi and Benjamin Jourdain
Uniform attachment with freezing: Scaling limits |
Étienne Bellin, Arthur Blanc-Renaudie, Emmanuel Kammerer, and Igor Kortchemski
Malliavin calculus for the optimal estimation of the invariant density of discretely observed diffusions in intermediate regime |
Chiara Amorino and Arnaud Gloter
Uniform-in-time propagation of chaos for mean field Langevin dynamics |
Fan Chen, Zhenjie Ren, and Songbo Wang
Prudent walk in dimension six and higher |
Markus Heydenreich, Lorenzo Taggi, and Niccolo Torri
Hydrodynamics of a d-dimensional long jumps symmetric exclusion with a slow barrier |
Pedro Cardoso, Patrícia Gonçalves, and Byron Jiménez-Oviedo
Limiting eigenvalue distribution of heavy-tailed Toeplitz matrices |
Arnab Sen and Ratul Biswas
About the asymptotic behaviour of the martingale associated with the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process on trees and ℤd |
Valentin Rapenne
On the stability of the invariant probability measures of McKean-Vlasov equations |
Quentin Cormier
Massive SLE and the scaling limit of the massive harmonic explorer |
Leonie Papon
Strong rate of convergence of the Euler scheme for SDEs with irregular drift driven by Levy noise |
Oleg Butkovsky, Konstantinos Dareiotis, and Máté Gerencsér
Local Statistics and Shuffling for Dimers on a Square-Hexagon Lattice |
Matthew Nicoletti
Periodicity and longtime diffusion for mean field systems in |
Eric Lucon and Christophe Poquet
Gaussian Deconvolution and the Lace Expansion for Spread-Out Models |
Yucheng Liu and Gordon Slade
On Genericity of Non-Uniform Dvoretzky Coverings of the Circle |
Michihiro Hirayama and Davit Karagulyan
Sausage Volume of the Random String and Survival in a Medium of Poisson Traps |
Siva Athreya, Mathew Joseph, and Carl Mueller
What is a -adic Dyson Brownian motion? |
Roger Van Peski
Recurrence, Transience and Degree Distribution for the Tree Builder Random Walk |
János Engländer, Giulio Iacobelli, and Rodrigo Ribeiro
Convergences of Looptrees Coded by Excursions |
Robin Khanfir
Localized bounds on log-derivatives of the heat kernel on incomplete Riemannian manifolds |
Robert Neel and Ludovic Sacchelli
On the robustness of spatial quantiles |
Dimitri Konen and Davy Paindaveine
Height and contour processes of Crump-Mode-Jagers forests (III): The binary, homogeneous universality class |
Emmanuel Schertzer and Florian Simatos
Biorthogonal Measures, Polymer Partition Functions, and Random Matrices |
Mattia Cafasso and Tom Claeys
Local Times of Deterministic Paths and Self-Similar Processes With Stationary Increments as Normalized Numbers of Interval Crossings |
Rafal Marcin Lochowski, Witold Marek Bednorz, and Purba Das
Universal “Winner-Takes-It-All’ Phenomenon in Scale-Free Random Graphs |
Remco van der Hofstad
Wasserstein Posterior Contraction Rates in Non-Dominated Bayesian Nonparametric Models |
Federico Camerlenghi, Emanuele Dolera, Stefano Favaro, and Edoardo Mainini
Strong Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions of SDEs With Time Dependent Kato Class Coefficients |
Saisai Yang and Tusheng Zhang
Quenched Invariance Principle for Biased Random Walks in Random Conductances in the Sub-Ballistic Regime |
Carlo Scali, Alexander Fribergh, and Tanguy Lions
Gaussian Beta Ensembles: The Perfect Freezing Transition and Its Characterization in Terms of Beurling-Landau Densities |
Yacin Ameur, Felipe Marceca, and José Luis Romero
Independent Projections of Diffusions: Gradient Flows for Variational Inference And Optimal Mean Field Approximations |
Daniel Lacker
Poisson Equations with Locally-Lipschitz Coefficients and Uniform in Time Averaging for Stochastic Differential Equations via Strong Exponential Stability |
Dan Crisan, Paul Dobson, Benjamin D. Goddard, Michela Ottobre, and Iain Souttar
A Gaussian Convexity with Applications in Convex Geometry and Spin Glasses |
Wei-Kuo Chen
Continuity of the Extremal Decomposition of the Free State for Finite-Spin Models on Cayley Trees |
Loren Coquille, Christof Kuelske, and Arnaud Le Ny
Differentiability of the Shape Function for Directed Polymers in Continuous Space |
Douglas Dow and Yuri Bakhtin
Mixing of the Symmetric Beta-Binomial Splitting Process on Arbitrary Graphs |
Richard Pymar and Nicolás Rivera
Quantum Triangles and Imaginary Geometry Flow Lines |
Morris Ang, Xin Sun, and Pu Yu
Brownian Motion Conditioned to Have Restricted -Norm |
Frank Aurzada, Mikhail Lifshits, and Dominic T. Schickentanz
Percolation Through Isoperimetry |
Sahar Diskin, Joshua Erde, Mihyun Kang, and Michael Krivelevich
A Fixed-Point Equation Approach for the Superdiffusive Elephant Random Walk |
Hélène Guérin, Lucile Laulin, and Kilian Raschel
Determinantal structures for Bessel fields |
Lucas Benigni, Pei-Ken Hung, and Xuan Wu
Asymptotics of the One-Point Distribution of the KPZ Fixed Point Conditioned on a Large Height at an Earlier Point |
Ruixuan Zhang and Ron Nissim
Interacting Particle Systems With Continuous Spins |
Viktor Bezborodov, Luca Di Persio, Martin Friesen, and Peter Kuchling
Multi-Scale McKean-Vlasov SDEs: Moderate Deviation Principle in Different Regimes |
Wei Hong, Ge Li, and Shihu Li
Lipschitz Cutset for Fractal Graphs and Applications to the Spread of Infections |
Alexander Drewitz, Gioele Gallo, and Peter Gracar
Invariant Measure of Gaps in Degenerate Competing Three-Particle Systems |
Sandro Francesch, Tomoyuki Ichiba, Ioannis Karatzas, and Kilian Raschel
Scaling Limits for Fractional Polyharmonic Gaussian Fields |
Nicola De Nitti and Florian Schweiger
Chaos, Concentration and Multiple Valleys in First-Passage Percolation |
Daniel Ahlberg, Maria Deijfen, and Matteo Sfragara
Diameter of Uniform Spanning Trees on Random Weighted Graphs |
Luca Makowiec, Michele Salvi, and Rongfeng Sun
Lévy Measures on Banach Space |
Jan van Neerven and Markus Riedle
Double Jump in the Maximum of Two-Type Reducible Branching Brownian Motion |
Heng Ma and Yanxia Ren
Stable Distributions and Domains of Attraction for Unitarily Invariant Hermitian Random Matrix Ensembles |
Mario Kieburg and Jiyuan Zhang
Multifractal Analysis and Erdös-Rényi Laws of Large Numbers for Branching Random Walks in |
Najmeddine Attia and Julien Barral
The Constant Coefficient in Precise Laplace Asymptotics for gPAM
Tom Klose |
On Particle Systems and Critical Strengths of General Singular Interactions |
Damir Kinzebulatov
Limit Theorems for First Passage Times of Multivariate Perpetuity Sequences |
Sebastian Mentemeier and Hui Xiao
On Orlicz Spaces Satisfying the Hoffmann-Jørgensen Inequality |
Radosław Adamczak and Dominik Kutek
On the Regularity of Solutions of Some Linear Parabolic Path-Dependent PDEs |
Bruno Bouchard and Xiaolu Tan
On Optimal Error Rates for Strong Approximation of SDEs With a Drift Coefficient of Fractional Sobolev Regularity |
Thomas Mueller-Gronbach, Larisa Yaroslavtseva, and Simon Ellinger
Critical Liouville Quantum Gravity and CLE |
Morris Ang and Ewain Gwynne
On the Spectrum of Random Simplicial Complexes in Thermodynamic Regime |
Kiran Kumar A. S., Kartick Adhikari, and Koushik Saha
Visibility in Brownian Interlacements, Poisson Cylinders and Boolean Models |
Yingxin Mu and Artem Sapozhnikov
TAP Equations for Orthogonally Invariant Spin Glasses at High Temperature |
Zhou Fan, Yufan Li, and Subhabrata Sen
Central Limit Theorem for Tensor Products of Free Variables via Bi-Free Independence |
Paul Skoufranis
Limit Profile for the ASEP With One Open Boundary |
Jimmy He and Dominik Schmid
Scaling Limit of the TASEP Speed Process |
Ofer Busani, Timo Seppalainen, and Evan Sorensen
Occupation Times and Areas Derived From Random Sampling |
Frank Aurzada, Leif Döring, and Helmut H. Pitters
Additive Functionals of Exclusion Processes From Non-Equilibrium |
Tiecheng Xu and Luiz Renato Fontes
Last Passage Percolation in a Product-Type Random Environment |
Yuri Bakhtin, Konstantin Khanin, András Mészáros, and Jeremy Voltz
Local Times of Anisotropic Gaussian Random Fields and Stochastic Heat Equation |
Cheuk Yin Lee and Yimin Xiao
On Absolutely Continuous Curves in the Wasserstein Space Over and Their Representation by an Optimal Markov Process |
Charles Boubel and Nicolas Juillet
Moment Bounds for Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos With Higher-Dimensional Singularities |
Yichao Huang
Thick Trace at Infinity for the Hyperbolic Radial Spanning Tree |
David Coupier, Lucas Flammant, and Viet Chi Tran
Metastability and Maximal-Entropy Joinings of Gibbs Measures |
Christopher Shriver
Periodic Homogenization for Singular Lévy SDEs |
Helena Kremp and Nicolas Perkowski
Insertion Pre-Lie Products and Translation of Rough Paths Based on Multi-Indices |
Pablo Linares
Rate of Convergence of the Smoothed Empirical Wasserstein Distance |
Zeyu Jia, Adam Block, Yury Polyanskiy, and Alexander Rakhlin
Annealed Transition Density of Simple Random Walk on a High-Dimensional Loop-Erased Random Walk |
David Croydon, Daisuke Shiraishi, and Satomi Watanabe
A Note on Sarnak Processes |
Thierry de la Rue, Mariusz Lemanczyk, and Michal D. Lemanczyk
Concentration for the Nodal Component Count of Gaussian Laplace Eigenfunctions |
Lakshmi Priya M.E.
A Stochastic Analysis Approach to Tensor Field Theories |
Ajay Chandra and Léonard Ferdinand
A Strong Law of Large Numbers for Real Roots of Random Polynomials |
Yen Q. Do
Spectrum of Laplacian Matrices Associated With Large Random Elliptic Matrices |
Sean O’Rourke, Zhi Yin, and Ping Zhong
The All-Time Maximum for Branching Brownian Motion With Absorption Conditioned on Long-Time Survival |
Jason Schweinsberg and Pascal Maillard
Fractional Kinetics Equation From a Markovian System of Interacting Bouchaud Trap Models |
Alberto Chiarini, Simone Floreani, and Federico Sau
Local Weak Limit of Dynamical Inhomogeneous Random Graphs |
Emmanuel Jacob and Léo Dort
Gelation in Cluster Coagulation Processes |
Luisa Andreis, Tejas Iyer, and Elena Magnanini