In recent years, the collaboration between academia and industry has become increasingly crucial in statistics and data science. The industrial context often presents challenging problems in data science with massive datasets, whereas academic institutions possess expertise in the theoretical foundations of data science. Collaborative efforts between industry and academia will be essential for scientists working at the intersection of theory and practice in data science.
In response to this, IMS has created a new membership category: Industry Friend of IMS (IFoIMS). An IFoIMS must conduct research and development related to data science, statistics, probability, or stochastic modeling. The company is encouraged to participate in the intellectual and scientific content of IMS activities.
Current Industry Friends of IMS:
- Citadel Securities
- Eli Lilly and Company
Application to Become an Industry Friend
An application should include:
- a brief statement of the company’s research and development related to data science, statistics, probability or stochastic modeling, (2-4 lines);
- a brief statement of motivation to join (1-2 lines);
- specification of one contact person.
- the minimum annual contribution for IFoIMS members is $10,000.
Please send the application to the IMS Executive Director <>, allow 2 weeks for review and response.
Guidelines for Industry Friends of IMS (IFoIMS)
1. Activities of IFoIMS.
All activities from IFoIMS under the name of IMS (or IFoIMS) must be either invited or approved by IMS.
1.1. Invited activities.
Invited activities include organizing invited sessions, panel discussion, or hosting a special reception. The invitation comes from the program committee of an IMS (co-) sponsored conference or workshop. The program chairs of the ICSDS and the IMS Annual standalone meeting can make such invitations directly. If other program chairs of IMS (co-) sponsored meetings want to invite IFoIMS, it must be requested and approved by the IMS Sub-Committee on Co-sponsorship of meetings.
Invited activities will appear under the name of IFoIMS (i.e., not using an individual company name); but the company’s names will be acknowledged under the heading of IFoIMS on the IMS website and on the conference website whenever IFoIMS has been sponsoring/contributing to the conference. If feasible, the IMS Annual standalone meeting or the ICSDS may provide a certain number of recruiting desks.
1.2. Proposed activities.
An IFoIMS proposal to hold an activity at an existing IMS conference or workshop must be approved (or rejected) by the corresponding conference program committee which can also limit the amount of IFoIMS activities at the conference. Interaction of IFoIMS with ICSDS or the IMS Annual standlaone meeting is described in detail by the points in paragraph 1.3.
IFoIMS may propose additional standalone workshops or meetings. Such proposals must be approved (or rejected) by the IMS Sub-Committee on Co-sponsorship of meetings.
1.3. Interaction between IFoIMS and ICSDS or the IMS Annual standalone meeting.
(a) The conference program committee chairs invite and appoint the representatives of IFoIMS. IFoIMS representatives are responsible for organizing invited session(s) for the conference. The number of allocated invited sessions for IFoIMS will be determined by the program committee chairs.
(b) ICSDS/IMS Annual standalone meetings agree to provide recruitment desks if requested by IFoIMS during its conferences: up to 10 IFoIMS each year can host a recruiting desk at the IMS annual standalone meeting (if there is one) or the ICSDS meeting (if feasible): these costs would be covered by the IFoIMS Fund (see paragraph 2). IFoIMS are responsible for any additional expenses incurred due to their self-organized recruitment needs.
(c) Part of the IFoIMS Fund (see paragraph 2) should be used as sponsorship for IMS conferences where IFoIMS are present (e.g., expenses on conference receptions, social events, student awards).
2. IFoIMS Fund
The annual membership fee and any additional funds provided by the IFoIMS will go into the IFoIMS Fund. The annual income from the IFoIMS Fund should be spent over a period of 1-3 years. Financial resources from the IFoIMS Fund are to be used exclusively in connection with events and activities where IFoIMS is present*. For example, the IFoIMS Fund reduces a conference attendance fee, pays for a special reception or enables student awards (see also paragraph 1.3 ©).
The IMS Executive Committee decides how to use the financial resources from the IFoIMS Fund. The IMS Program Secretary and the IMS Executive Director take an active role in making proposals for using resources from the IFoIMS Fund.
This may be subject to change if the IFoIMS Fund grows significantly.