Special Lectures at IMS Sponsored/Co-sponsored Meetings

See the section on Committee on Special Lectures for details on IMS Named and Medallion Lectures. In addition to those lectures, the following lectures will take place at meetings as indicated.

Doob and Schramm Lectures

  • The Schramm Lecture is an annual, joint IMS-Bernoulli Society lecture. The Schramm lecture will be given at SPA meetings in odd years, at IMS stand-alone annual meetings or the SPA in even years not divisible by 4, and at the World Congress in Probability and Statistics in years divisible by 4. The Doob lecture is a joint IMS-Bernoulli Society lecture in years divisible by 4 and is given at the World Congress in those years. (Note: There is also a Doob lecture at Stochastic Processes and their Applications Meetings in the years not divisible by 4. The selection for that lecturer is handled by the SPA program committee and IMS is not involved with that lecture.).
  • The Joint IMS/BS Special Lecture Committee will select these lecturers. This committee will be chosen by the Presidents of the IMS and the Bernoulli Society, in consultation, according to the following guidelines.
    1. The selection committee will normally have as regular members, two IMS representatives and two Bernoulli Society representatives. In years when lecturers are to be chosen for the World Congress, the chair of the scientific program committee for the Congress will serve as an ex-officio member of the committee. In choosing representatives: The Bernoulli Society President may consider chairs of prior SPA scientific program committees or CCSP for BS representatives. The IMS President may consider members of its Special Lectures committee for its representatives. Regular committee members may serve for one to three years, but will normally be appointed for two years.
    2. Each year a new chair will be appointed from the membership of the committee. For the lectures in odd years this will be chosen by the Bernoulli Society President, and for lectures in even years it will be chosen by the IMS President. However, the Presidents of both societies will consult with one another about the selection before it is made. Apart from the first year of selection, the committee should be in place by January 1 and should preferably begin its work by March 1, two years in advance of the meeting for which a speaker is to be chosen.
    3. Once the committee has settled on the nominee for a lecturer, the name of the nominee should be transmitted in confidence to the Presidents of the Bernoulli Society and the IMS for final approval. Preferably this would be done by May 15.
    4. Once a nominee has been approved, a joint letter from the Presidents of the IMS and the Bernoulli Society will be transmitted to the chosen nominee, inviting them to deliver the lecture.

Brown Student Award Session

    • One session at the IMS Annual Meeting. Details here.

New Researchers Group Session

    • One session at the IMS Annual Meeting.

Annals of Applied Statistics and Annals of Statistics Lectures

    • One session at the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) will be set aside each year for the editors of AOS or AOAS to organize and chair. AOS Editors will organize and chair their session in odd numbered years at the IMS Annual Meeting/JSM and the AOAS Editor will organize and chair a session in even numbered years at the JSM.

Co-sponsored and Sponsored Meetings

Details on Co-sponsored and Sponsored meetings can be found here.

Program Chairs

Program chair duties can be found here.

Local Chairs

Local chair duties can be found here.

Contributed Papers Chair

Some meetings may have a contributed papers chair appointed. Duties include:

  • Working with the IMS program chair
  • Assigning the contributed papers into IMS contributed paper/poster sessions.
  • Finding session chairs for each IMS contributed paper session.
  • Working with contributed paper chair of the other societies running the meeting.
  • Working with the IMS local chair especially with regards to session help (see duties of local chairs, above)..

IMS Statement on Professional Conduct at Meetings

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) is a society committed to the freedom of professional expression. The society wishes to foster a productive environment for the exchange of ideas and values participation of all members of the statistical community. The society, therefore, considers it essential that professional conduct is observed at all its functions. Accordingly, all attendees of IMS sponsored and co-sponsored events are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees.

The IMS Code of Conduct and Procedures can be found here:  https://imstat.org/ims-code-of-conduct-and-procedures/

Resolution on Freedom of Access to Participation in Institute of Mathematical Statistics Meetings

Because the Institute of Mathematical Statistics is responsible to an international membership, the Council adopts the following resolutions regarding the location and accessibility of its meetings.

  1. In arranging its meetings, the IMS and the organizing committees for the meetings shall take all measures within their power to ensure each IMS member, member guest, and invited speaker the fundamental right of participation.
  2. If at any time prior to or during a meeting, it is the judgment of the IMS President that the host country has denied any IMS member or invited speaker free access to the meeting by failing to grant a visa or by any other discriminatory act, he or she shall withdraw IMS sponsorship of the meeting and shall so notify the organizing committee of the meeting and all IMS members.
  3. In the event of a meeting where possible access problems are anticipated, the IMS President shall request the organizing committee to inform the appropriate representatives of the host country of the policies stated in items 1 and 2 above.

Resolution on Equal Opportunities

The IMS is an equal opportunity organization, which seeks to ensure that all of its members participate in all of its activities to the fullest extent that is appropriate, regardless of age, sex, race or ethnicity, subject matter specialty, or any other characteristic. These opportunities for participation include, but are not restricted to, Institute of Mathematical Statistics Application for Meeting Sponsorship and co-sponsorship, membership of its standing committees, its program committees for sponsored and co-sponsored meetings, and its honors and awards, including fellowships and special lectureships.