Terms of Committees with Other Societies

Many of the committees with other societies have terms specified by the calendar year. Unless otherwise specified, an annual cycle for a committee runs throughout calendar years (January to December).

American Mathematical Society (AMS)

  • Joint Committee on Women in the Mathematical Sciences
    The Committee on Women in the Mathematical Sciences has members appointed from the AMS, ASA, IMS, NCTM and SIAM. The committee has always been run by the AMS, and committee meetings are held once a year in the fall, usually in Chicago.

Responsibilities of IMS Representative to JCW

    • Appointment starts on Jan. 31 for three years.
    • There are 2-3 conference calls per year that the members participate in, usually in January and April and possibly another as needed.
    • There is one face-to-face meeting annually in September at Chicago O’Hare airport. IMS generally provides modest travel support for both representatives to participate that includes airfare, up to one night of hotel and internet, reasonable ground transportation to and from the home airport (none is needed in Chicago—the hotel is in the airport), and modest meals with receipt for those meals not provided at the meeting (lunch and dinner included at the meeting).
    • There is an optional face-to-face meeting at the Joint Math Meetings in January that those in attendance there often joint. Representatives from the IMS and ASA are often not in attendance and get a summary during the January conference call.
    • The representatives act as liaisons between the member societies. They facilitate sharing of best practices for inclusiveness of women in society activities and encourage the implementation of such practices and policies.
    • The JCW committee members often form subcommittees and organize sessions at the major mathematics and statistical meetings. Panel discussions at both JMM and JSM have been popular recently. Frequently, the IMS and ASA statistical representatives collaborate to organize something for JSM.


  • Committee on Data on the Profession Committee
    The committee consists of five members appointed by the AMS, three by the MAA and one by the ASA. The IMS participates in this activity but does not appoint a representative. The AMS Associate Executive Director for Meetings and Professional Services, serves as an ex-officio member. The MAA and ASA contribute 3,500USD annually for each representative on the committee. Out of these funds, the AMS covers the travel expenses of the other societies’ committee members, applying the remainder of funds toward the direct costs of the survey. The IMS contributes 2,500USD annually toward the survey effort only. Currently, the survey costs exceed 100,000USD a year.


American Statistical Association (ASA)

  • Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
    Co-published by the American Statistical Association (ASA), the Interface Foundation (IFNA) and the IMS. The ASA is designated as the managing JCGS partner, with IMS and IFNA providing input/influence regarding the journal’s scientific content and direction. The JCGS Management Committee consists of six members, two approved by ASA, two appointed by IMS and two appointed by IFNA, with the chair alternating among the three societies. The chair shall be a member of all societies, whenever possible. Insofar as possible the terms of the members on the committee shall be on a staggered basis to provide continuity. The term of appointment shall be for three years, except that the initial terms may be set for a longer period to provide for rotation. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms on the committee. Terms are on a calendar year basis, but a member may continue until the successor is appointed.The charge of the Management Committee will be to review and recommend changes to editorial policies and procedures for the JCGS, select editors, and approve the appointment of Associate Editors. Actions of the Management Committee are subject to review by the several governing boards of the partner societies.


  • Invited IMS Representative to ASA Committee on Meetings (COM)
    COM includes representatives from each partner society. COM representatives have three-year terms. Terms end on December 31. The IMS representative to COM is the IMS Executive Secretary.


  • Spring Research Conference on Statistics
    This annual conference is jointly sponsored by the IMS and the Section of Physical Sciences and Engineering Section (SPES) of ASA. The conference is overseen by a management committee that has three representatives from the IMS on three-year rotating terms.


  • The World of Statistics
    This is an ad hoc committee largely consisting of reps from the societies that founded Statistics2013. The charge of the group is to continue to promote the goals of Statistics2013, now called The World of Statistics. This will be done through website and other communications across a worldwide network of over 2300 organizations in nearly 130 countries.

Bernoulli Society

  • Joint Bernoulli Society–IMS Management Committee for joint publications
    This committee oversees the appointment of editors to any jointly co-sponsored publications. The Committee consists of four people with one-year terms, from January 1 until December 31. Two of the members are appointed by Bernoulli and two by the IMS. The Chair of the Committee rotates between Bernoulli and the IMS.
  • Joint Special Lectures: See Meetings Section

Cambridge University Press (CUP)

The IMS co-publishes two book series with CUP – IMS Textbooks and IMS Monographs. The following guidelines regarding internal governing of the series were approved by the IMS Council in December 2009

  • There will be a coordinating editor and three area editors, one for each of the areas of
    a. Statistics
    b. Probability
    c. Algorithms
  • The terms of the editors will be for four years with the possibility for a second term—- but not more.
  • The four editors of the CUP/IMS Textbook and Monograph series will be nominated by the Committee to Select Editors. These nominations are then voted on for approval by the IMS Council.
  • The CUP/IMS editors may appoint associate editors as they feel are needed. These appointments do not require Council approval and they terminate with the term of the appointing editor.
  • The CUP/IMS Editors are not ex-Officio members of the IMS Council, but may serve as elected members of the IMS Council.

Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS)

The President, President-Elect and Past President of the IMS all serve on the COPSS Board.

Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS)

The IMS President and an appointed representative may attend CBMS meetings. The IMS representative to CBMS is for three years and the main charge is to represent IMS at the biannual meetings of CBMS in DC in May and Dec. If the meeting agenda is ready before the meeting, the representative is encouraged to get inputs from the presidents on important issues. In general, he/she should act as he/she sees fit in accordance with the general purpose “to foster the dissemination of the theory and applications of statistics and probability”. An important goal is also to get first-hand information on what is going on in math science education. If there is a concrete issue where the position of IMS is required, then it should be discussed with the presidents. The representative should report back to the president after the meeting and work with the presidents to plan for the next steps if needed.

National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS)

The IMS President is an ex-officio member of the corporation of NISS. Every three years, the IMS President appoints a person who serves simultaneously as Appointed Member and Appointed Trustee for a three-year term beginning in July of the coming year (coordinating with the NISS July–June fiscal year).

Royal Statistical Society

  • The David Cox Medal for Statistics
    The David Cox Medal for Statistics commemorates the pioneering statistical work of Sir David Cox in the fields of statistical theory, methodology and applications. Three medals are awarded every three years by the RSS in partnership with the American Statistical Society (ASA), the Bernoulli Society, the International Biometric Society (IBS), the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI).

The IMS has one appointment to prize committee and two appointments to the search committee.

Springer Statistics Encyclopedia

The IMS is one of several co-sponsors of an online encyclopedia of statistics published by Springer.

The following guidelines were adopted by the IMS Council in December 2009 and will be used regarding the Representative to the Springer encyclopedia.

  • The representative to the Encyclopedia will have the title “IMS Representative to the [waiting for the official name]”
  • The representative will be nominated by the Committee to Select Editors. These nominations are then voted on for approval by the IMS council.
  • The representative will not be an ex-officio member of the publication committee or the electronic issues committee.
  • The representative will serve a term of three years with the possibility of at most one reappointment.
  • The representative will not be an ex-officio member of Council but may be elected to serve on the IMS Council.
  • The representative shall provide an annual report to Council on the activities of the on-line encyclopedia.
  • After every three years the Representative and the Executive Committee shall review the role of the IMS in the on-line Encyclopedia project and make a motion for Council’s vote to continue or to discontinue the IMS participation.