Peter Hall played a significant role throughout his professional career in mentoring young colleagues at work and through professional society activities. With funds donated by his friends and family, the IMS has created the Peter Gavin Hall Early Career Prize.

To recognize early-career research accomplishments and research promise in statistics broadly construed.

An early career researcher is one who received their doctoral degree in one of the eight calendar years preceding the year of nomination, or in the year of nomination, meaning any of the years 2018 – 2025 for the 2026 prize with nomination deadline December 1, 2025. The IMS gives the award committee latitude to consider extending the eligibility period for nominees whose professional achievements may have been delayed for reasons pertaining to personal matters and/or exceptional circumstances. Nominations may be made by any member of the IMS. Nominees need not be IMS members.

Form of the Prize:
The award consists of a plaque, a citation, and a cash honorarium. It is presented at the IMS Presidential Awards Ceremony held at the IMS Annual Meeting.

Nomination Process:
When you are ready, you may nominate someone using the form here.

For the nomination you will need:

  1. A recent CV for the nominee.
  2. A letter of recommendation from the nominator.
  3. Two additional letters of recommendation (IMPORTANT: For those submitting letters of recommendation, each letter writer may only submit letters of recommendation for TWO Hall Prize nominees each year. Please be sure to pass this information to letter writers as you request letters of recommendation.)
  4. A draft citation, if your nominee were to receive the award.