
To fund travel and possibly other expenses to present a paper or a poster at an IMS-sponsored or co-sponsored meeting for those who otherwise would not be able to attend the meeting. (Note: the Travel Award cannot be used to fund any part of travel to the IMS New Researcher’s Conference, as that conference is already funded separately)


  • Applicants must be members of IMS, though joining at the time of application is allowed.
  • Travel awards are available to IMS members who are New Researchers. This means any IMS member who was awarded a Ph.D. within the 5 years immediately preceding the year of the application deadline or who has or will receive her/his Ph.D. in the same year as the application deadline. For one-third of the total available funds, New Researchers from countries with reduced membership dues will have priority.

Graduate students looking for travel funds should apply for the IMS ​Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award.


Grants per award are typically between USD 500 and USD 1500. The actual amount of an award depends on the travel distance to the place of the meeting. Grants will be reimbursed against receipts and may be combined with other sources of funding.

Eligible Meetings

Funds can be requested for any IMS Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Meeting.  All IMS-sponsored and co-sponsored Meetings are indicated on this page: https://www.imstat.org/meetings-calendar/.

Application Process

All applicants must submit their papers to the meeting directly. The application for this travel grant and the meeting are completely separate activities.

When you are ready, you may apply using the form here.

For the application you will need:

  1. IMS membership.
  2. The name of the IMS Sponsored or Co-sponsored meeting for which you wish to use funds.
  3. Recent CV (not older than 2 years).
  4. A pdf file of the title, abstract, a brief 1-2 page summary of the paper that will/could be presented.
  5. A pdf file of the full paper to be presented.
  6. The names and emails of two people who will be providing letters of recommendation. (Letters are also due on Feb 1).


All applications must be received by February 1.

Additional Information

Applications will be reviewed by the IMS Committee on Travel Awards, and applicants will be notified in late April. The paper must be the work of the new researcher, although it may have been done in collaboration with others.

All applicants must submit their papers to the meeting directly. This travel grant award application and the meeting abstract submission are separate