Past Award Recipients 

Harry C. Carver Medal

The Carver Medal was created by the IMS in honor of Harry C. Carver, Founding Editor of the Annals of Mathematical Statistics and one of the founders of the IMS.  The medal is for exceptional service specifically to the IMS and is open to any member of the IMS who has not previously been elected President.  Not more than one award shall be made each year. The medal will be awarded at a ceremony during the next IMS Annual Meeting.

Nomination Deadline is February 1st. Please see here for the Nomination Process.

See also Committee for the Carver Medal.

IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award

The purpose of the IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award is to fund travel and registration to attend and possibly present a paper or a poster at an IMS-sponsored or co-sponsored meeting. Presentation of a paper/poster is encouraged, but not required. The travel awards are available to IMS members who are graduate students (seeking a Master’s or Ph.D. degree) studying some area of statistical science or probability who have not yet received a Ph.D. degree and who will not receive their degree in the year of the application deadline.

Application deadline is February 1st. Please see here for the Application Process.

IMS Lawrence D. Brown Ph.D. Student Award

Lawrence D. Brown had a distinguished academic career with groundbreaking contributions to a range of fields in theoretical and applied statistics. Moreover, he was an enthusiastic and dedicated mentor to many graduate students. This award was established with funds from Brown’s family and friends. Eligible applicants will compete to be one of three speakers at an invited session as part of the IMS Annual Meeting. The award will also include reimbursement for both travel and the meeting registration fee (up to $2,000 in total for each).

Application deadline is July 1st. Please see here for the Application Process.

IMS New Researcher Travel Award

The purpose of the IMS New Researcher Travel Award is to fund travel and possibly other expenses to present a paper or a poster at an IMS-sponsored or co-sponsored meeting for those who otherwise would not be able to attend the meeting. The travel awards are available to IMS members who are New Researchers. This means any IMS member who was awarded a Ph.D. (or similar degree) within the 5 years immediately preceding the year of the application deadline or who has or will receive their Ph.D. (or similar degree) in the same year as the application deadline.

Application deadline is February 1st. Please see here for the Application Process.

IMS Thelma and Marvin Zelen Emerging Women Leaders in Data Science Award

The award will be given annually to three women data scientists, who are within 10 years of completing their Ph.D. (or similar degree) during the year of the award. The award, consisting of a plaque, a citation, and a cash honorarium, will be presented at the IMS Presidential Awards Ceremony held at the IMS Annual Meeting.

Nomination deadline is July 1st. Please see here for the Nomination Process.

IMS Tweedie New Researcher Award

Richard Lewis Tweedie played a significant role throughout his professional career in mentoring young colleagues at work and through professional society activities. With funds donated by his friends and family, we are pleased to announce the creation of the “Tweedie New Researcher Award.” This award provides funds for travel to present the “Tweedie New Researcher Invited Lecture” at the IMS New Researchers Conference.

Nomination deadline is December 1st. Please see here for the Nomination Process.

See also Committee on Travel Awards.

Peter Gavin Hall IMS Early Career Prize

Peter Hall played a significant role throughout his professional career in mentoring young colleagues at work and through professional society activities. With funds donated by his friends and family, the IMS has created the Peter Gavin Hall Early Career Prize. This prize recognizes early career research accomplishments and research promise in statistics broadly construed.

Nomination deadline is December 1st. Please see here for the Nomination Process.