Current list of donors to the IMS.

The IMS offers several opportunities for contributions to the society’s programs. Please take a moment to consider making a donation to one or more of these funds.

The IMS Blackwell Lecture Fund is an endowment fund used to support a lecture in honor of David Blackwell. The purpose of this lecture is to honor Blackwell, to keep his name alive and to inspire young people to emulate his achievements. The first lecture was presented in 2014.

The IMS Gift Membership Program provides IMS memberships and journals for statisticians and probabilists in regions of the world where payments in hard currency would impose a difficult financial burden.

The IMS Grace Wahba Award and Lecture Fund will be used to fund an annual lecture at the JSM that honors Grace Wahba’s contributions to statistics and science; including pioneering work in mathematical statistics, machine learning, and optimization; broad and career-long interdisciplinary collaborations that have had a significant impact in the fields of epidemiology, bioinformatics, and climate sciences; as well as outstanding mentoring.

The IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award Fund will be used to fund travel and registration to attend and possibly present a paper or a poster at an IMS-sponsored or co-sponsored meeting. Presentation of a paper/poster is encouraged, but not required.

The IMS ICSDS Fund – All donations to the fund directly support the IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science. The objective of ICSDS is to bring together researchers in statistics and data science from academia, industry, and government in a stimulating setting to exchange ideas on the developments of modern statistics, machine learning, and broadly defined theory, methods, and applications in data science.

The IMS Lawrence D. Brown Ph.D. Student Award Fund will be used to establish awards for Ph.D. candidates in honor of Lawrence David Brown (1940-2018).  This award was established with funds from Brown’s family and friends. Eligible applicants will compete to be one of three speakers at an invited session as part of the IMS Annual Meeting. The award will also include reimbursement for both travel and the meeting registration fee.

The IMS Le Cam Lecture Fund is an endowment fund set up by friends of Lucien Le Cam to memorialize his contributions to our field. The Le Cam lecturer should be an individual whose contributions have been or promise to be fundamental to the development of mathematical statistics or probability. This lecture takes place every three years.

The IMS New Researcher Travel Award Fund will be used to fund travel and possibly other expenses to present a paper or a poster at an IMS sponsored or co-sponsored meeting for those who otherwise would not be able to attend the meeting.

The IMS Open Access Fund supports the establishment and ongoing operation of IMS’ open access publications, including: Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Communications in Probability, and Electronic Journal of Statistics.

The IMS Scientific Legacy Fund supports the IMS Scientific Legacy Database which is dedicated to ensuring the preservation of valuable historical information on IMS members and leaders of our fields. The IMS will use funds to cover the costs of the development and maintenance of the database.

The IMS Thelma and Marvin Zelen Emerging Women Leaders in Data Science Fund is an endowment fund that provides a financial prize given annually to acknowledge the achievements of women data scientists who have made substantial contributions to the data science field and demonstrated leadership qualities.

The IMS Tweedie New Researcher Award Fund was originally set up with funds donated by Richard L. Tweedie’s friends and family. Funds are used to fund the travel of the Tweedie New Researcher Award recipient to attend the IMS New Researchers Conference and to present the Tweedie New Researcher Invited Lecture.

The Peter Gavin Hall IMS Early Career Prize Fund is an endowment fund that provides a financial prize given annually to one or more active researchers in statistics, broadly construed, within eight years of completion of a Ph.D. The award is intended to recognize excellence in research and research potential.

The Schramm Lecture Fund was created jointly by the IMS and the Bernoulli Society. The lecture in probability and stochastic processes is named in honor of Oded Schramm. The lecture will be given annually and will be featured at meetings co-sponsored by the IMS or the Bernoulli Society with strong attendance by researchers in probability and stochastic processes.

Donations to the IMS General Fund go to support the organization as a whole and not into a specific fund.